

第1个回答  2024-06-25
1. Some seemingly harmless habits can impact your weight in the next five to ten years. Take our quiz to see how you're doing and use this cheat sheet to target the most effective ways to make a difference.
2. Habits that affect your future weight:
- Keep a food journal: It's the top predictor of weight loss.
- Balance your diet: Shop at a farmers' market for more produce and fewer packaged snacks.
- Eat a hearty breakfast: Aim for up to 500 calories to keep you full throughout the day.
- Prepare your meals: Cook at least half of your meals at home for healthier options.
- Snack smartly: Avoid empty calories and opt for healthier alternatives.
3. Healthy eating tips:
- Limit sugary drinks: Replace them with water to reduce calorie intake.
- Include more fruits and vegetables: They can help maintain a healthy weight.
- Relax: Reduce stress hormones that may lead to overeating.
- Sleep well: Cut down on TV time to get more rest and make healthier choices.
4. Exercise and fitness:
- Move more: Add strength training to your routine to maintain muscle mass.
- Pace yourself: Eat slowly to give your brain time to register fullness.
- Fight muscle loss: Engage in strength training to counteract age-related muscle loss.
5. Lifestyle changes:
- Reduce driving: Walk or cycle to work for a healthy alternative.
- Personal communication: Meet with colleagues in person instead of emailing for similar results.
- Maintain muscle mass: Add strength training sessions to your weekly routine.
By implementing these habits and tips, you can effectively work towards maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being.