

1. For twenty days, we've been chatting continuously, and our relationship has been quite harmonious.
2. However, due to my busy schedule, I didn't contact her for five days.
3. As a result, she became distant and less responsive towards me.
4. It's evident that she didn't reach out to me either during those five days, indicating that I was the one who always initiated the conversations previously.
5. The fact that she changed her behavior after just five days of not hearing from me suggests that she may not be a very proactive person when it comes to relationships.
6. This situation also reflects a bit of selfishness and rigidity on her part.
7. It's quite understandable that a five-day gap in communication would not suddenly damage the relationship we've built unless there were other underlying issues.
8. You should have reached out to her during those five days, perhaps with a brief message explaining your busyness, to ensure she understood your situation.
9. It's important to express your feelings and expectations in such relationships.
10. You could have asked her why she didn't initiate any conversations during the two weeks you were chatting, to clarify if this is a pattern.
11. Learning to navigate these dynamics in relationships is essential for future interactions.