老师,您好。我是高三学生,有一篇英语作文想请您帮忙看一下并且估个分。 O(∩_∩)O谢谢!


Without putting up with the difficulty of going out from concoon, there had not been a strong body and beautiful wings for the butterfly just like children at present.
I personally feel that only suffering life can make a person grow up. However, many children are unique ones in their families.parents always love their children as much as they can. Dads go on doing the same things so long as children gradually become more and more selfish and have no abilities to deal with problems when bad situation come up. What;s more, these children will become more and more reliant/dependent. They can not graduate from schools to go into society.
If I am the parent of these children, I will ask him or her to finish something they can do by himself/herself and them what is right, what is wrong when she/he is a little baby. It is not until children
can't fly in the sky that parents feel worried.!

是的 我的英语一向很差 作文也就10分左右的水平 而且这一类的读写作文也一直不会写 所以想请教老师这类作文要怎么写以及这篇作文大概能打到多少分 万分感谢!
谢谢老师对我的作文进行的修改 【鞠躬——


