英语作文 用dream of doing sth write to sb 写一篇英语作文 最好附上翻译 50字谢谢


dream of doing interpreting ; write to my mother i remember my mother always tells me that interpreters can earn much money . then , i choose Interpretion as my major . near graduation ,i hope my job for future connects my major .recently , i often dream of interpreting for the important businessmen . i wish some day my dream can come true 。 翻译的梦 , 写给我的母亲 我记得我母亲总是对我说:那些翻译者很挣钱,。后来,我就选了英语口译作为我的专业课。临近毕业,我就希望我未来的工作能与我的专业有关系。最近,我总是做梦,梦到我再给一些重量级的企业家,做译员、我渴望将来我的梦想能得以实现、