急急急!!eating in a restaurant<关于人人说英语 中级>帮我翻译一下下面的内容,最好不要用国难的句子

我喜欢的食物有很多,我喜欢吃快餐,比如麦当劳或者KFC,因为他们比较省时间,我是个比较懒惰的人,我不喜欢做饭,而且我很忙,快餐是我最好的选择。我经常去吃快餐,基本上每周要去很多次,我有的时候跟我的朋友一起去吃,有的时候就只有我一个人。很多人都说快餐是垃圾食品对身体没有好处,但是我认为世界上没有垃圾食品,而且快餐很美味。(谢谢各位大哥哥大姐姐 非常急啊 !帮帮忙吧!!)

There are many kinds of food that I like. I like fastfood, like Mc Donald's and KFC, because it saves time. I'm a lazy person. I don't like cooking. And I'm busy. Fast food is the best choice for me. I often eat fastfood. I buy it many times per week. Sometimes I eat with friends, sometimes I eat it alone. Many people think that fastfood is no good for health and call it junk food, but I don't think that way. Fastfood is delicious!
第1个回答  2011-03-16
I like many kinds of food, especially fast food, such as Mcdonald or KFC, for they save time. for another reason, I am a lazy person and do not like cooking, and sometimes I am busy, so fast food is my best choice. I often go to eat fast food and generally many times a week. sometimes I go with my friends and sometimes single. most people say that fast food is junk food which is harmful to health. however, I think there is no junk food in the world and fast food is delicious.
第2个回答  2011-03-19
My favorite food is a lot, I like to eat fast food, such as McDonald's or KFC, because they compare save you time, I'm rather lazy person, I don't like to cook, and I am very busy, fast food is my best choice. I often go to eat fast food, basically weekly to many times, I sometimes go with my friend eat, sometimes just only I a person. A lot of people are saying fast food is not good for the body junk food, but I think the world no junk food, and fast food is delicious.

第3个回答  2011-03-15
My favorite food is a lot, I like to eat fast food, such as McDonald's or KFC, because they compare save you time, I'm rather lazy person, I don't like to cook, and I am very busy, fast food is my best choice. I often go to eat fast food, basically weekly to many times, I sometimes go with my friend eat, sometimes just only I a person. A lot of people are saying fast food is not good for the body junk food, but I think the world no junk food, and fast food is delicious. (
第4个回答  2011-03-16
I like many kinds of food.I prefer fast food, lile Mc or KFC, cause they cost less time to eat.On the other hand,I am lazy and busy, i don't have enough time to cook.That's why i take fast food as my best choice. I often have fast food, even several times a week,sometimes go with my friends or go alone.Many people say fast food are rubbish and do nothing to the heathy, but i don't think so, i think it is nice.