
嘉莉对物质的欲望是无穷无尽的, 从身无分文到荣华富贵, 她的欲望并
没歇脚。初到芝加哥, 她只是想找一份能养活自己
的活。之后却沉醉于大城市的金碧辉煌, 在商场橱
窗前, “她禁不住觉得每一项装饰品对她都是可爱
的, 都能使她的容貌更美”。然而低廉的工资让
她望而却步。为满足内心欲望她与杜洛埃同居, 并
认为的富裕生活。可是在海尔太太的介绍下, 她结
识了更多的社会名流, 当她回到自己家时觉得

Carrie material desire is endless, from penniless to prosperity, her desire and
Didn't stop. Beginning to Chicago, and she just want to find a job to support myself
And live. But then to indulge in big cities, in bazaar resplendent cupboards
The window, "she couldn't help feel every one of her lovely decorations
, can make her appearance more beautiful ". However, low wages make
She buyers. To meet with her heart's desire, and Evans cohabitation he
Soon learned to rich people's way of life. She once meet her
Think of the rich life. But Mrs Haier introduced by her "
General more social celebrities, when her back to her home feel
"They live only provide a common furniture in the dormitory of the three rooms
Small room just ". Desire is always on her mind again and growth.