哪位大神帮忙写个英语的投诉信 题目要求是在当当网上买了36本书 由于天气原因没有收到

题目要求是在当当网上买了36本书 由于天气原因没有收到 求各位行行好 我会粉你们的 分没有了 帮帮忙 急急急

i have purchased 36 books on your net "dang dang" bookstore three days ago 我三天前在当当网上购买了三十六本书, and hence of bad weather 但因为坏天气的缘故, the delivery of my books were late for my research study paper that was due tomorrow 导致我购买的书本延迟了送货,令我明天要交的报告书交不出了. i demend for a refund for those six books that i have purchased 我现在要求那六本书的退钱, your customer service is not as updated as now technologies recommanded 你的服务不是今时今日新科技推荐的那么发达. i personally suggested you should look into this matter and solve it as soon as possible for your net "dang dang" bookstore's sake 我私人建议你应该马上处理这件事越快越好,为了你的当当网书店着想. if you still wish to have a future 如果你还期望有未来的话, my advice is needed 我的建议是必须的. thank you for your time.谢谢你的时间。


第1个回答  2011-03-17
第2个回答  2011-03-15
i bought 36books from dangdang,but i haven't got then yet because of the bad weather,thank you for your goodness,i'll score you as possible as i can
第3个回答  2011-03-15