



1. What do you think of your school?(你认为你的学校怎样?)
2. Which country would you like to go?(你最喜欢去哪个国家?)
3. Are you afraid of darkness?(你害怕黑暗吗?)
4. Do you like to help others?(你喜欢帮助别人吗?)
5. What kind of films do you prefer?(你更喜欢什么样的电影?)
6. Do you eat fast food?(你吃快餐吗?)
7. Can you tell me some where interesting in the world?(你能告诉我世界上有趣的地方吗?)
8. What kind of gifts would you like to get?(你喜欢收到什么样的礼物?)
9. Please say something about your family?(请说一下你家庭的事情。)
10. If you are a rich person,how will you spend your money?(如果你是一个富人,你将会怎样花你的钱?)
11. What can we do to save water?(我们怎样用水?)
12. What do you think of Jeckie Chen?(你认为成龙怎么样?)
13. Do you like to get up early?(你喜欢早起吗?)
14. What is the most important animal in your country?(你们国家的国宝是什么?)
15. Do you often wash clothes by yourself?(你经常自己洗衣服吗?)
16. What job would you want to do on the future?(你将来想做什么工作?)
17. What is your favorite number?(你最喜欢的数字是多少?)
18. Who is your best friend?What is she look like?What does she like?(你最好的朋友是谁?她长什么样?她喜欢什么?)
19. What sport do you like to play?(你喜欢做什么运动?)
20. How do you go to school?How long does it take to school?(你怎么上学?需要用多长时间?)
21. What is your faworite animal?(你最喜欢的动物是什么?)
22. What do you by give your mother for her birthday?(在你妈妈过生日时,你买给她什么?)
23. What kind of movies do you like?Who is your favorite movie star?(你喜欢什么种类的电影?你最喜欢的电影明星是谁?)
24. What kind of books do you like?Who is your favorite author?(你最喜欢什么种类的书?你最喜欢的作者是谁?)
25. What kind of TV programs do you like?Who is your favorite TV star?(你最喜欢什么种类的电视节目?你最喜欢的电视明星是谁?)
26. What kind of music do you like?Who is your favorite performer?(你最喜欢什么种类的音乐?你最喜欢的演奏者是谁?)
27. What kind of sports do you like?Who is your favorite athlete?What is your favorite team?(你最喜欢什么运动?你最喜欢的运动员是谁?你最喜欢哪一支球队?)
28. What kind of subject do you like?Who is your favorite teacher? What is she look like?What does she like?(你最喜欢什么科目?你最喜欢的老师是谁?她长什么样?她喜欢什么?)
29. Is money important?Why?(你认为钱很重要吗?为什么?)
30. Is homework good fou you?(你能做好你的的家庭作业吗?)
31. Do you like talk to old people?Why?(你喜欢与老人谈话吗?为什么?)

. ....... 这么 多~~~~!!

估计莪 不睡觉 不吃饭 也要n 久才回答的 完了 ~
这次 偶 毛有 那么多时间, 下次再帮你吧 ~~~追问



第1题 , I think it's good , I like our school。 It's big and very beautiful. Besides ,it prowides good place to study better , Every time ,when I'm sitting outside the classroom ,I can't help drawing by the beautiful scenery.
第4 题, Yes ,I do .Because every time I heip others ,I can feel a sence of happiness and satisfaction. In addition, I can also improve myself . ..
就这几个吧 。 姐姐 好困哦, 莪 已经 牺牲了 偶好多美容觉的时间了, 希望 对你有用。。。

第1个回答  2011-03-16
第2个回答  2011-03-16
第3个回答  2011-03-22
OMG、what English、、、看来我连初中的水平都木有啦