






One summer afternoon, the sky was blue and the grass was green. Some boys ran to the grassland not far from the school and played footall. The flowers were saying come on to them. They had a good time. " We like summer best, because we can play football happily." they said.
Today is Mother's Day, I want to make my mother happier. I decided to clean the room. I held the brooms to sweep the floor,.I Held the smop to clean the floor. I cleaned the windows using a piece of cloth. I watered the plants. My little dog worked with me. I am very happy and I think my mother will be happy , too. I love my mother.
One summer afternoon, the sky was blue and the grass was green. l went to the bright beach to play volleyball. The crabs were saying come on for me. We had a good time. " We like summer best, because we can play football happily."
Today is our school clean Day. Our teacher said we should make our environment clean. So we decided to do some cleaning. I held the brooms to sweep the floor,.I Held the smop to clean the floor. I cleaned the windows using a piece of cloth. I watered the plants. My classmates worked with me. I am very happy and I think my teacher will be happy , too. It's a great fun to work hard!
One winter afternoon, the sky was blue. It began to snow. I went tothe grassland not far from our house to make snowmen with my parents. As if the blue sky were saying come on to us. We had a great time. The snowman also looked very happy. " we like winter best, because we can make snowmen happily.
