
白天我们就在海里游泳, 在沙滩上晒太阳, 晚上我们就吃当地的海鲜, 非常的便宜和美味. 虽然我们乐不思蜀, 但计划是在周日下午回来, 因为周一大家都需要上班. 不幸的是, 海面上突然刮起了台风, 所有的船全部停航, 致使我们无法回来. 我不得不向上司请假, 我的上司不太满意 因为周一原本是有重要的会议. 我的母亲也责怪我不听天气预报. 最终, 周二的时候台风终于停止, 我们赶在早上六点的头班船回到上海, 并直接去上班,

We enjoyed the sea swimming and sand beach sunshine in the daytime, took the local cheap and delicous seafood at the night, and almost indulged in pleasure and forgot home and duty. But next Monday was a working day, so we planed to be back Sunday afternoon. Unfortunately, the typhoon was coming all of a sudden, and the whole port had been suspended shipping service, so we can't come back on time. I had to apply for a leave from my boss, he seemed unhappy when he got this news, because we have an important meeting in next Moday schedule. I was also incured blame from my mother for no listening to the weather forecast in advance. The typhoon finally stopped on the Tuesday. We catched the first ferry to Shanghai at 6:00 AM, and went to office directly.
第1个回答  2007-05-22