

Happy Mother's Day!
It's Mother's Day today. I asked my mom what present she want to get.
"An eternity box", she said cold.
So I'm so impious! I found it out today!
Whatever mistake I had made, you are my mother indeed.
Why are you treat me in such a way?
I don't understand!
I dont't know what I do;
even what i will do tomorrow!
How confused!
第1个回答  2007-05-13
Happy on Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day, I ask what present mother wants, talking about a pair of coffins of her indifference
I was so unfilial originally, did not find until today
No matter what I miss, you are still my one's own mother
Why treat me like this, I do not understand
I do not know what oneself is doing
Do not know either what will be done tomorrow
Very vast and hazy
第2个回答  2007-05-13
Happy Mother's Day
Today is Mother's Day.
I asked mom what present she wanted.
"A coffin." Coldly she relied.
What a unfilial daughter I am, only now I relized.
You are always my dearest mother'
no matter what I have done wrong.
Why treated me like this?
I do not understand.
What have I been doing?
What shall I do tomorrow?
I am lost.

我 很 难 过 。 如 果 这 是 你 的 心 声 , 我 真 诚 的 希 望 有 人 倾 听 。 猜 想 你 正 是 花 样 年 华 吧 ? 母 亲 可 能 不 是 个 善 感 的 人 , 但 正 如 你 说 的 , 毕 竟 是 你 的 亲 生 母 亲 。 别 问 她 要 什 麽 , 为 她 做 点 什 麽 或 给 她 点 什 麽 她 喜 欢 的 东 西 吧 。 祝 她 母 亲 节 快 乐 。