
1.China is the country where he spent the best part of his life.
2.The man came yesterday is our English teacher.
3.I know the student was praised at the meeting last week.
4.Thw watch that Mother bought it for me works very well.
5.This is the only one book that were borrowed from the library.
6.the day which she had to leave arrived at last.
7.The park stands at the place that the two rivers meet.
8.This is the knife tiwh that the doctor did the operation.


1.China is the country where he spent the best part of his life.
2.The man came yesterday is our English teacher.
3.I know the student was praised at the meeting last week.
4.Thw watch that Mother bought it for me works very well.
去掉it 因为关系代词that作bought的宾语,所以再it就重复了。
5.This is the only one book that were borrowed from the library.
把were改为was。the only one修饰先行词,定语从句的谓语用单数。
6.the day which she had to leave arrived at last.
7.The park stands at the place that the two rivers meet.
把that改为where 因为where在定语从句中作地点状语。
8.This is the knife tiwh that the doctor did the operation.
把that改为which, 介词后的关系代词只能用which/whom

第1个回答  2011-05-04
1 country在从句中是宾语 连词应该用 which或 that 不能用where
2 先行词在句中作主语连词不能省 the man who came。。。。。。
3 第三句没写全吧。。这个句子本身没有问题 我想后面肯定还有一个句子 这个句子在整个句中做从句 如果是这样跟第二题就一样了 缺连词 I know the student who was praised。。。
4 第四局也是常考点。。
watch在从句中作宾语 但定语从句中从句中指代的先行词已经由连词代替
换成大白话就是说it不应该有 它已经由that代替了 把it去掉
5这句不光定语从句错了 the only one book 不对 one 和 book 重了 把one去掉
定语从句部分先行词book是单数 所以应用was而不是were
6 day是在从句中做时间状语 连词应该用 when
7 和6很像 place在从句中作地点状语 连词用where
8 那个是with吧。。 当定语从句中的连词前有介词时用which而不用that
定语从句要记的还是挺多的说 慢慢看吧 多看点长句子自己就有感觉了。。本回答被提问者采纳