外贸英文函电词汇加翻译:索款通知 换货 调解 有效日期 付款交单 经常订单 执行 振兴信 独家代理 。。。。

外贸英文函电词汇加翻译:索款通知 换货 调解 有效日期 付款交单 经常订单 执行 振兴信 独家代理 汇票 展期 手续 最后期限 舱位 议付 适于海上运输 水渍险 抱怨 保险单 促销
1 你方提供不同制作手套的皮样将会对我们很有帮助。
分比较少 都给了 万分感谢

索款通知:Demand for payment notice
换货:exchange goods
有效日期:effective date
付款交单:documents against payment (D/P)
经常订单:regular orders
振兴信 -----这个如果是名字的话,直接用拼音就好 ZHEN XING XIN
独家代理:sole agency
展期:exhibition period
舱位:Shipping space
适用于海上运输:for ocean transport
水渍险:with particular average (W. P. A.)
1. Your provide different kind of leather gloves sample will be helpful to us.
2. In order to avoid future repair permits, we would like to point out that the terms of the relevant letter of credit shall be same as the sales confirmation agreement.
3.Because we want to set a shipment to our new customers, we must let you to ship the replacement goods immediately.
4.Because our order is on the basis of the cif terms, by yourside to arrange the insurance, if you can represent us for the insured would be very appreciate.
5.To meet the October 24 letter of your request, we send you an invoice in triplicate form. Please note our offer, valid to 15 November, I hope to receive your order soon.
第1个回答  2011-05-03
索款通知dn - debit note
换货exchange goods、 barter
调解 adjustment
有效日期 expiry date
付款交单 DP(document against payment)
经常订单 regular order
执行 implement
振兴信 (不清楚这个是什么意思)
独家代理 sole agent(agency)
汇票 draft
展期(往后推迟) extend a time limit; postpone; renewal还是(展览的时期) duration of an exhibition; exhibition period
手续 procedure
最后期限 deadline
舱位 shipping space/bunk
议付 negotiation
适于海上运输 suitable for sea transportation
水渍险 WPA(with particular average)
抱怨 complaint
保险单 insurance policy
1 你方提供不同制作手套的皮样将会对我们很有帮助。
You provide different kinds of leather gloves will be helpful to us.
In order to avoid future amendments, we would like to point out that the terms of the relevant letter of credit shall be consistent with the terms of the sales confirmation agreement.
Because we want to ship the ordered goods to our new customers, we must let you dispatch replacement goods immediately
We have concluded the order on CIF basis, so if you can represent us with the insurer, we will be grateful.
To meet your request of the October 24th letter, we send you a proforma invoice in triplicate. Please note that the pice we offer is valid until 15th November, I hope to receive your order soon.
第2个回答  2011-05-03
索款通知书debit note
换货exchange goods
有效日期 valid date
付款交单 documents against payment (D/P)
经常订单 regulary order
执行 carry out
振兴信 ?
独家代理 exclusive agency
汇票 draft
展期 exhibition period
手续 procedure
最后期限 deadline
舱位 shipping space
议付 Negotiation
适于海上运输 suitable for sea transportation
水渍险 with particular average (W. P. A.)
抱怨 complain
保险单 insurance policy
促销 sales promotion

1.It's helpful for us to provide the sample of different golves from your side.
2.We'd like to indicate that all the clauses on LC shall be the same as contract to avoid to amend the LC
3.You shall ship out the replacment goods at once, as we need to send the new goods to our new client
4.As our order was based on CIF, so the insurance charged by yourself,we will appreacite you if you can insure with insurer on behalf of us.
5.To satisfy your demand of your lettter on 24th Oct, we dispach you In triplicate proforma invoice.pls note our quotation, the valid date is 15th Nov, we hope to receive your order soon.追问



振兴信 Revitalized letter 不过不能确认

第3个回答  2019-05-23
振兴信 reviver