
1 Armed with such a precept, a number of doctors my slip into deceptive practices that they assume will "do no harm" and may well help their patients.

2. I had a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarter overlooking a cemetery, and I was earning barely enough money to keep body and soul together.

3. But we are much less conscious of the extent to whick work provides the more intangible, but more crucial, psychological well-being that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.
第一句有点错误.应该是Armed with such a precept, a number of doctors may slip into deceptive practices that they assume will "do no harm" and may well help their patients.

1 Armed with such a precept, a number of doctors my slip into deceptive practices that they assume will "do no harm" and may well help their patients.

2. I had a tiny apartment in the Latin Quarter overlooking a cemetery, and I was earning barely enough money to keep body and soul together.
我在Latin Quarter靠近公墓的地方有一间小小的公寓,我挣钱很少,几乎活不下去。

3. But we are much less conscious of the extent to whick work provides the more intangible, but more crucial, psychological well-being that can make the difference between a full and an empty life.
第1个回答  2007-11-22
第2个回答  2007-11-22
1.带着这样一个信条,一些医生可能陷入欺骗性行为,他们将承担起" ,不伤害患者" ,并且很可能帮助他们的病人。
2 。我有一个小小的公寓里的拉丁季忽略了一个墓地,我是赚勉强足够的钱,以保持身体与灵魂在一起。

3 。但是,我们更自觉的程度whick工作提供了更多的是无形的,但更关键的,心理幸福感,可以使差别,充分和一个空洞的生活。