

1. meal是一个泛指词,用来表示一日三餐中的任意一餐,也可以指一顿饭所吃的东西。它是一个可数名词。
2. dinner通常用来指代一天中的主餐,这可能是午餐或晚餐。在英语国家,晚餐往往是一天中最丰盛的一餐,因此dinner常被用来指代晚餐。
3. dinner是一个较为正式的词汇,当邀请朋友参加晚宴时,常用dinner这个词。与meal不同,dinner是一个不可数名词。
4. 英文中"meal"的音标为[mi:l],而"dinner"的音标为[ˈdɪnə(r)]。
5. "meal"作为名词,有以下含义:餐,饭;进餐(时间);一次挤奶量;谷物粗粉(用作饲料或加工面粉);
6. "meal"作为动词,意思是进餐。
7. "dinner"作为名词,有以下含义:晚餐;宴会;正餐,主餐;
8. 以下是一些与"meal"和"dinner"相关的短语:
- a delicious meal:一顿美餐
- a frugal meal:节省的一餐
- a gorgeous meal:好吃的饭菜
- a healthy meal:健康餐
- a hearty meal:丰盛的上餐
- a fancy dinner:丰盛的晚餐
9. 以下是一些与"meal"和"dinner"相关的例句:
- They decided to cancel the dinner party.
- Please don't partner me up with Mr. Jones for the dinner.
- The crews of the Card and its consorts had eaten Christmas dinner in Casablanca before sailing.
- And no matter what happens during dinner, you have to stay calm.
- Is that your dinner?
- Have your last meal.
- And often his breakfast was his only meal.
- It will be one more reminder that you have a healthy meal planned before you have a chance to open the drawer for a take-out menu.
- Think before you decide to skip your next meal.
- But then we consume genes from a vast variety of sources in every meal.