
酿皮子,天水杂烩,兰州牛肉面,浆水面,青粉,黄粉,沙米粉 ,静宁烧鸡,天水里脊,靖远羊羔肉,白兰瓜、天水搅团、天水凉粉、软儿梨、兰州烤羊肉、烤小猪、冬果梨、浆水、粉皮面筋、秦安火烧、猪脏面、鱼儿粉、秦安辣子面、呱呱、高三酱肉、凉面、大卤面、油炒粉、牛肉面、兰州羊肉泡馍、河西沙枣、康县木耳、陇南猕猴桃、、陇原洋芋、陇东金针、、龙泉粉丝、 敦煌烤鱼,敦煌驴肉黄面,张掖哨子面,东乡手抓
的英文翻译 请快一点好不
能不能翻译准确定呀 真心感谢

Ferments hides, chowder Tianshui, Lanzhou beef noodles, water slurry, green powder, powder, sand, rice flour, chicken Jingning, Tianshui tenderloin, Jingyuan lamb, honeydew melon, Tianshui, Tianshui Mesona stir mission, soft pears, Lanzhou roast lamb, roast pigs, winter pear fruit, water, the vermicelli gluten, Qinan fire, dirty pig surface, fish powder, Qinan spicy, quack, jiangrou third year, noodles, noodles, fried in oil, beef noodle, Lanzhou bubble steamed mutton, Hexi angustifolia, Kang Xian fungus, kiwi, Longnan, long yuan, in golden, potato, Longquan fans, Dunhuang grilled fish, Dunhuang donkey face, Zhangye whistle face, Dongxiang hand grasping
第1个回答  2012-10-26

Ferments hides发酵的兽皮
water slurry泥浆
sand, rice flour掺有沙子的米粉
Longquan fans龙泉风扇
第2个回答  2012-10-26
Ferments hides, chowder Tianshui, Lanzhou beef noodles, water slurry, green powder, powder, sand, rice flour, chicken Jingning, Tianshui tenderloin, Jingyuan lamb, honeydew melon, Tianshui, Tianshui Mesona stir mission, soft pears, Lanzhou roast lamb, roast pigs, winter pear fruit, water, the vermicelli gluten, Qinan fire, dirty pig surface, fish powder, Qinan spicy, quack, jiangrou third year, noodles, noodles, fried in oil, beef noodle, Lanzhou bubble steamed mutton, Hexi angustifolia, Kang Xian fungus, kiwi, Longnan, long yuan, in golden, potato, Longquan fans, Dunhuang grilled fish, Dunhuang donkey face, Zhangye whistle face, Dongxiang hand grasping希望你满意
第3个回答  2012-11-05
第4个回答  2012-10-26
第5个回答  2012-11-03
Qinan fire, dirty pig surface, fish powder, Qinan spicy, quack, jiangrou third year, noodles, noodles, fried in oil, beef noodle, Lanzhou bubble steamed mutton, Hexi angustifolia, Kang Xian fungus, kiwi, Longnan, long yuan, in golden, potato, Longquan fans, Dunhuang grilled fish, Dunhuang donkey face, Zhangye whistle face, Dongxiang hand grasping