


我最喜欢的明星并不是只有精致的外表,并不是只有美妙的音色,我喜欢他们的坚持,努力,或许在不了解他们人的眼里,他们只是靠外表才这么红,但我告诉你们,并不是,他们懂得礼貌,他们会为了粉丝,为了给粉丝最好的舞台到深夜练习室都在灯火通明,就算再累,再痛也会为了粉丝去坚持,他们有人说过,我们是他的英雄,他们不管是谁,腰伤到站不起来也会坚持,有人会在发生了天大的事情,只是为了粉丝,一个人把所有事情扛了下来,他们不会摆大明星架子,不管是谁都会90度鞠躬,他们只是一群单纯的男孩,他们也会想家,也会很累,但是他们坚强,忍一忍就过去了,他们就是我最敬爱,最爱的,最喜欢的明星,甚至到失忆,我也许也不会忘记他们,他们是EXO,是XO并不是E.X.O,他们有12人,他们是一体。WE ARE ONE
第1个回答  推荐于2017-08-26
哈哈!幸好我的英语最拿手!(自我陶醉中~^_^)对了咆哮英文是Growl My favorite song is growl by EXO,because the tune is nice,and there are english,korean,and chinese in it,so whenyou listen to it,it is really fun.also because songs like this is really rare,the group who has sang this song is korean,but the song is mainly chinese,they tried really hard to sing a song like this!they sang it a little with a accent,but it just makes the song better!Is'nt that amazing? 还需要吗?多一点的?追问就可以了lol本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2017-08-02
哈哈!幸好我的英语最拿手!(自我陶醉中~^_^)对了咆哮英文是Growl My favorite song is growl by EXO,because the tune is nice,and there are english,korean,and chinese in it,so whenyou listen to it,it is really fun.also because songs like this is really rare,the group who has sang this song is korean,but the song is mainly chinese,they tried really hard to sing a song like this!they sang it a little with a accent,but it just makes the song better!Is'nt that amazing? 还需要吗?多一点的?追问就可以了lol