
假如你是李伟,你的同桌韩芳学习不努力,考试临近了,她很着急,她想要在考试时抄你的答案,你该怎么办?请根据提示给你的好友Michael 写一封信 要求:1.信的开头结尾已写出 2.文中要使用if引导状语从句 Dear Michael, how are you? i have a problem to tell you. Han Fang is ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yous LIWei

Dear Michael,
How are you?
I have a problem to tell you. Han Fang is lazy in doing her school work.She is worry of the coming examination. She said she wants to copy my script answers during the examination.
I am not sure what to do. I am worry that if I don't let her copy my script answer, she would break our friendship. I am even more worry she would tell her big brother to punish me. Could you teach me how to handle this issue?

Sincerely troubled,
Li Wei
第1个回答  2012-09-24
第2个回答  2012-09-24
Dear Michael,
How are you?
I have a problem to tell you. Han Fang is one of my classmates and shares a desk with me. It seems to me she is noy working hard enough with her school work. As the examination date approaches she becomes very worried. She asked me whether she could copy my answers during the coming examination?
I don't think I can let her do so in the examination as this will be a strong offense to the displine of the school. But I don't know how to reply to her requet as I worry that our friendship will be damaged and we may end up as foe if I tell her that it is not possible for me to allow her to do so.
Could you please give me some suggestions towards the problem?


Li Wei