

小王子The Little Prince
老人与海The Old Man and Sea
倾城之恋Love in a Fallen City
百年孤独One Hundred Years of Solitude
生命中不能承受之轻The Unbearable Lightness of Being
围城Fortress Besieged
苏菲的世界 Sophie's World
忏悔录 The Confessions
人性的弱点How to Win Friends & Influence People
麦田里的守望者 Catcher in the Rye
相约星期二Tuesday With Morrie
图腾与禁忌Totem & Taboo
第1个回答  2008-03-20
小王子 Princekin
活着 Is living
老人与海 Old person and sea
倾城之恋 Love of the beautiful woman
百年孤独 Hundred year lonely
生命中不能承受之轻 In the life cannot light withstanding
围城 Besieged city
苏菲的世界 Sufei's world
弗洛伊德的智慧 Floyd's wisdom
忏悔录 Confession record
塔木德 Tower wooden Germany
人性的弱点 Human nature weakness
麦田里的守望者 In wheat field towerman
相约星期二 Reaches agreement Tuesday
图腾与禁忌 Totem and taboo
叔本华的智慧 Schopenhauer Arther's wisdom
沉思录 Ponder record
周国平选集 Zhou Guoping anthology
善良丰富高贵 Good rich noble
碎句与短章 Broken sentence and short chapter
守望的距离 Keeps watch distance
人与永恒 Human and eternal
风中的纸屑 In wind paper scraps
王小波杂文随笔全编 The Wang Xiaobo essay informal essay all arranges
思维的乐趣 Thought pleasure
柏拉图读本 Plato textbook
培根论人生 Bacon discusses the life
人性的,太人性的 Human nature, too human nature
第2个回答  2008-03-20