你国庆节放几天假 准确英语怎么说

1 你国庆节放几天假? / 我们放假8天

2 他打算请几天假 去上海旅游

3 公司有一位同事 请假了 / 请了3天假, 所以我临时过来替他一下。

4 用不了多久,你就知道事情的真相了

5 我们走了不到 一半的路程 / 不到3分之一的路程


6 他们走了多久了? / 他们已经走了多远了?(问路程距离)

7 他们刚刚走 / 他们刚走大约15分钟 / 他们刚走不到10分钟

8 我们已经走了20分钟了 / 我们已经走了总时间的一半了

9 我们已经走了50公里 / 我们开车行驶了50公里

第一句 : 你国庆节放几天假? how many 可以来翻译,如果问多久假期,用how long 也可以吧。?

10 你圣诞节放几天假?/ 我们国庆节放假7天 / 我们圣诞节放假1天


1 你国庆节放几天假? / 我们放假8天
How many days off you got in the National Day? We have 8 days off int he National Day.
2 他打算请几天假 去上海旅游
He is plan to take a few days leave and go travel to Shang Hai.
3 公司有一位同事 请假了 / 请了3天假, 所以我临时过来替他一下。
One of the colleague has 3 days leave, therefore I am here to replace him temporary.
4 用不了多久,你就知道事情的真相了
It will not be long before you know the truth,

5 我们走了不到 一半的路程 / 不到3分之一的路程
We only walked less than haly way!/ less than one third of the way.

We walked the whole way
6 他们走了多久了? / 他们已经走了多远了?(问路程距离)
How long have they gone? How far have they gone?

7 他们刚刚走 / 他们刚走大约15分钟 / 他们刚走不到10分钟
They have just gone. They went about 15 minuts. They just went less than 10 minuts
8 我们已经走了20分钟了 / 我们已经走了总时间的一半了

We have walked 20 minuts. We have walked over half of the total time was spent.
9 我们已经走了50公里 / 我们开车行驶了50公里
We already walked 50 miles. We drived 50 miles
10 你圣诞节放几天假?/ 我们国庆节放假7天 / 我们圣诞节放假1天

How many days you have for Christmas vacation?
We got 7 days of the National Day
We have one day off for the Christmas Day
第1个回答  2012-10-09
1 National Day put in the several days off? We leave for 8 days
2 he intends to take a few days off to Shanghai Tourism
The 3 companies have a colleague asked for leave / had 3 days off, so I have temporarily come for him.
The 4 soon, you'll see the truth of the matter.
5 we walked half the distance / no one in 3.
We walked all the way
How long has 6 they go? They have gone far? ( ask the distance )
7 they just walk / they left about 15 minutes / they left in 10 minutes
8 we have walked 20 minutes / we had been walking for half of the total time.
9 we have walked 50 kilometers / we drove 50 km本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-10-09
1.How many days off on National Day?/We got 8 days' holiday.
2.He is meant to ask a couple of days for leave to take a visit at Shanghai.
3.One colleague of mine in the company took a leave of absence for 3 days, so I am here to take him over for a few days.
4. He may get the truth without a long course.
5.We walked almost half the way / one third of the way / the whole way.
6.How much time did they spend on road?/How far did they go?
7.They just went away./ They have gone for 15 minutes./ They have gone for 10 minutes at most.
8.We have gone for 20 minutes./ It's been harf the time since they went away.
9.We have walked for 50 miles away./ 50 miles was drived.
第3个回答  2012-10-09
1, How long will your National Day holiday be ? 8 days.
2, He will have a few days off to travel in Shanghai.