我喜欢用洗衣粉洗衣服 英语翻译

1 我喜欢用洗衣粉洗衣服,不喜欢用肥皂,因为肥皂洗衣服有点费力气。

2 洗衬衣的时候我会用肥皂,因为可以洗的更干净点

3 我们俩的手一样大 / 我的手比你的大

4 我的手指比你的好看些

5 我的手指比你的细 / 比你的粗

6 她的手很光滑细腻 / 她的手很粗糙

7 她的手比你的光滑 / 比你的粗糙

8 我喜欢吃酸一点的水果,比如 橘子

第1个回答  2012-10-13
1 I like to wash clothes with laundry soap powder instead of soap,for it is a bit strenuous to wash clothes with soap.
2.I will use soap to wash shirts,for in this way shirts can be washed cleaner.
3.My hands are the same size as yours.
My hands are bigger than yours.
4.My fingers are more beautiful than yours.
5.My fingers are thinner than yours.
My fingers are thicker than yours.
6.Her hands are cute and smooth.
Her hands are very rough.
7.Her hands are smoother than yours.
Her hands are rougher than yours.
8.I like to eat a little sour fruit,such as oranges.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-10-13

    I like to use washing powder to wash clothes, don't like soap, because the soap to wash clothes a little effort

第3个回答  2012-10-13