

Depend on yourself was better than someone's help
Actually,depend on yourself you will learn how to independent for yourself.And you will know about the money's important matter.And also had someone will help their parents do some housework when they were finish their work.And work harded will give you confidence and you will happy and proud of yourself's achievement.Depend on yourself your husband doesn't too much pressure to raise you,he will get comfortable,and doesn't too much pressure,one day your husband got more pressure in his work,you also can talk with him,please come back,you can have a break,I can raise the house,don't worry about money,calm down,everything will be fine.You can have a break and do you hobby.When you breaked finish,you also can go to do your work or did some business.And perhaps you can go home to do some housework,and we can change the responsibiliy for a period of times.Everything will be fine.Don't worry.And I think that nowadays,the man also got many pressure in his work,so if a woman was a capable woman,the man will haven't get too much pressure to raise the house,and raise the child.Depend on yourself will make everyone comfortable,and doesn't too much pressure.Excepially to a man.依靠你自己比依靠别人的帮助好