


1、other用作形容词作“别的,其他的,另外的”解时,常用来修饰复数名词或不可数名词; 如前面有this, that, some, any, each, every, no, none, one等词时,也可用来修饰单数名词。

2、other用在the或形容词性物主代词之后时,与单数名词连用表示“(两个中的)另一个”; 与复数名词连用表示某一集体中“其余的,剩下的(人或物)”。


1、other用作代词时常用于复数形式,表示“其他的,别的或另外的人〔事物〕”; others若用于the或表示所属关系的限定词后,则表示“其余的人〔事物〕”,即把剩下的全部包括在内。



一、other 读法  英 ['ʌðə]  美 ['ʌðɚ] 

1、adj. 其他的,另外的

2、pron. 另外一个


1、no other [古语]仅此而已  

2、every other 所有其他的;每隔一个的

3、other one 其他的

4、among others 其中;尤其;除了别的之外

5、at other times 在其它时候,平时


1、The new Station Centre will have shops, restaurants and other amenities.


2、When the other kids were taken to the zoo, he was left behind.



another, other的区别:

1、another 后接名词单数  another student

2、other 后接名词复数, other students

第1个回答  2015-04-04
other; others; some...others; the other; the others; another; any other; each other;
one another的常见用法
1. other的意思是“其他的,别的”,不单独使用,用做定语
Jane, Lucy and three other girls were in the park
We should help other people (other people=others)
Don’t speak ill of others behind their backs
2. some…others可以有两种翻译,有时看情况而定,一种是“一些。。。,一些。。。”
Some like milk chocolate, others prefer plain chocolate.
The foreigners are all from the USA, some are from New York, some are from Washington , others are from Mississippi
3. the other常用语one…the other结构,意思是“两个中的另外一个。。。”(注意此用法常与another混淆,区别在于前者是有限定范围,而后者却是没有范围的“再,,又,,,
He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker
the others可以看作是the other的复数形式,可以翻译为“其余的;剩下的“
I will carry the big box, you carry the others (the others=the other boxes)
Three of them are teachers, the others are college students (the others=the other people)
4. another表示“又一。。。“
I don’t like this one, show me another
Would you like another cup of tea?
I’ve got another ten minutes
He’ll finish the exams in another five months
5. any other意思是“其余的任何一个。。。”后面常用可数名词单数,用语比较状语从句中。试比较;Shanghai is larger than any other city in china
Shanghai is larger than any city in Guangdong
在现代用语中,each other和 one another意思是相同的(古英语或者中世纪英语时代,each other表示两个之间的相互,one another则是三个或者三个以上),也可以有自己的所有格形式each other’s, one another’s
We have known each other since we were children
The three women looked at each other
They sat side by side and chattered to one another
以上用法与区别知识针对一般情况或者考试,其实它们用法很多,有时没有严格的界限,比如do you have any other questions?就不受比较级或者单数复数的影响
1. She has two sons, _________is a teacher, _________is an engineer.
A one, the other Bone, another C another, another Done, other
2.You have seen one of the photos of my sisters, now I’ll show you_______.
A another B other C others D the others
3. _______went to the great wall, _______visited the Miyun.
A Any, other B One, other C Some others D Some the others
4. Have you any ________ novels?
A another B other C others D the other
5. Would you like to have_______ cup of tea?
A another B other C others D the other
6.The t-shirt is too long, please show me________.
A another B other C others D the other

7. He is able to do the work without ________help.
A the other’s B others’ C any others’ D other
8. We can do it ______time
A another B other C others D the other
9.There are four dictionaries on the bookshelf. one is French, _______are English.
A another B other C others D the others
10.The children don’t like this story, please tell them________ .
.A another Bthe other Cothers D the others追问



    A  2.A  3.C  4.B  5.A  6.A  7.B  8.A  9.D  10.A


第2个回答  2020-05-16