
A more systemic problem is the distance between hype and reality. Bellamy and Taylor argue that “despite the powerful hyperbole which surrounds the notion of an information age, heroic scenarios for reinventing government through the application of ICTs are fundamentally misleading. The institution of governance will mould and fashion the revolutionary potential of ICTs into an evolutionary reality”. And in conclusion to their book they argue:
The heady images which are so often associated with ICTs, together with the technologically determinist expectations that they will transform the nature of relationships in and around governance, are balanced by the relative insusceptibility to change of the normative and assumptive worlds which suffuse political institutions. The information polity is in consequence, an arena which will display the same kinds of political compromises and policy confusions that characterize other important arenas of society. For all these reasons, the intoxicating visions of government in the information age should be allowed to dissipate in the thin air from whence they came.

