

  27. sth./sb. + be+ 基数词+ meters long (wide, high, tall...)
  28. It’s / has been two years since +从句 自从……到现在有两年时间
  29. both...and...连接主语的句型
  30. neither ...nor...,not only...but also,either...or...连接主语的句型
  31. What’s wrong / the matter with sb. / sth.?
  32. There is something /nothing wrong with sth.
  33.What/ How about +doing sth.?
  34. Let’s do...
  35. Why not do ...?/ Why don’t you do ...? 为什么不......?
  36. Will / Would /Could you please do sth? 请你做某事好吗?
  37. Would you like (sb.) to do sth.?
  38. ?Would you mind doing sth.?
  39. 含有as soon as的句型
  40. 含有not...until...的句型
  41. be supposed/ willing to do...应该做某事
  42. 主语+find +it +形容词+ 动词不定式
  43. It seems that +从句
  44. I think/ believe/ feel/ agree that...及I agree/ disagree with you.
  45. I don’t think +宾语从句
  46. What do you mean by/ What does ...mean? 是什么意思?
  47.What do you think of…/How do you like …? 你认为…怎么样?
  48. What + be + 主语 + like? ...什么样?
  49.It’s said/ reported that... 据说/据报道
  50. one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数 ...……其中之一

26. 表示比较的三个句型
  (1) as+ 原级+ as...
  这个句型表示同级比较,即比较的结果是一样的,在as和as的中间用形容词或副词的原级。在否定句中既可以用not as... as...,也可以用not so... as...,表示前者不如后者。例如:
  He is as tall as my brother. 他和我的弟弟一样高。
  It is not as/ so warm as it was yesterday. 今天不如昨天暖和。
  (2) 形容词/副词的比较级+than
  He is taller than my brother. 他比我的弟弟高。
  (3) 形容词/ 副词的最高级+in/of +其他
  You are the tallest boy in our class. 你是我们班最高的男孩。
  比较:You are the tallest of the boys. 你是男孩中最高的。(“You”与“boys”同类)
  1. 比较级+than any other+ 单数名词
  2. 比较级+than anyone else
  3. 比较级+than all other+ 复数名词
  Susan is taller than any other girl / all other girls in her class. 苏珊是她们班上最高的女生。

  1. We think English is as _______ as math.
  A. more difficult    B. more important    C. important    D. easier

  2. Many boys think Math is _______ than any other subject.
  A. interesting    B. easiest    C. more difficult    D. difficult

  3. Chongqing is ______ city _____ all the cities in China.
  A. big, in    B. bigger, of    C. biggest, in    D. the biggest, of

  1. 答案是C。本题是考查形容词的同级比较,as和as的中间用形容词的原级,所以选择C。
  2. 答案是C。本题是考查形容词的比较级的用法,句子是把数学作为一方,其他所有学科为另一方进行
    比较,要用比较级,difficult的比较级是more difficult,所以选C。
  3. 答案是D。本题是考查形容词的最高级的用法,形容词的最高级前面用定冠词the,Chongqing是all
    the cities中的一个,是同类关系,所以选D。

27. sth./sb. + be+ 基数词+ meters long (wide, high, tall...) 某物/某人有几米长(宽,高......)
  这个句型表示“某人或某物有多高/ 多长等”。注意如果基数词超过1,后面量词meter等要用复数,而汉语中的量词如yuan等,是英语的外来语,不需用复数。例如:
  Our classroom is fifteen meters long and eight meters wide. 我们的教室15米长,八米宽。
  Look at that tall tree. I think it may be _______.
  A. twelve meters tall    B. twelve meter long
  C. tall twelve meters    D. tall twelve meter

28. It’s / has been two years since +从句 自从......到现在有两年时间里
  这个句型表示“自从过去某个时刻算起到现在多长时间了”,it指代时间,主句的谓语动词可以用现在完成时has been,也可以用is,与句型“Sb. has +过去分词+for +表示一段时间”意思相同。例如:
  He has lived here for five years.= It’s five years since he lived here.
  _______ twenty years since we came here.
  A. This is    B. That’s    C. It’s    D. They have been

29. both…and…连接主语的句型
  both... and... 连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,表示两者都做某事。例如:
  Both you and your brother have to stay at home this Sunday.

30. neither ...nor..., not only...but also,either...or...连接主语的句型
  这个句型是both… and…的否定形式,表示“两者都不”,但是neither... nor...,not only...but   also,either...or...连接两个主语时,谓语动词一般就近一致。
  Neither I nor he is from the village. 我和他都不是来自山村。
  1. Both his father and he _____ playing computer games.
  A. like    B. likes    C. is like    D. are like

  2. Neither my wife nor I _____ to the Summer Palace. We are planning to go there on May 1.
  A. have been    B. have gone    C. has been    D. has gone

  1. 答案是A。本题是考查both… and…的用法,both… and…连接两个主语,其谓语动词用复数形式,
  2. 答案是A。从第二句可知主语没有去过颐和园,所以用have been to;neither... nor...连接主

31. What’s wrong / the matter with sb. / sth.?
  这个句型是询问某人或者某物出什么毛病了或有什么问题了。What’s wrong with的后面可以接人也可以接物作宾语,同义句型是What’s the matter with... ?例如:
  —What’s wrong with your leg? 你的腿怎么啦?
  —Nothing serious. 没有什么大毛病。
  He asked me what was the matter with me. 他问我怎么了。
  — ______ with your mother? She looks tired.
  —She is ill.
  A. What’s    B. How’s    C. What’s wrong    D. What’s matter
  【答案与解析】答案是C。从对话的情景可以理解要用What’s wrong来询问某人怎么啦,所以选C。选项D的matter前缺少定冠词the。

32. There is something /nothing wrong with sth. 某物出毛病了(没毛病)
  这个句型表示“某人或者某物出毛病了”,一般疑问句是Is there anything wrong with sth.?
  例如:There is something wrong with my computer. 我的电脑出毛病了。
  There _____ nothing wrong with your bike.
  A. be    B. is    C. are    D. am

33. What/ How about +doing sth.?
  这个句型用于询问“做某事怎么样/ 如何”,用来征求别人的意见。介词about后要接名词或动名词作宾语。例如:
  What about swimming after school? 放学后去游泳怎么样?

34. Let’s do...
  Let’s go there on foot. 咱们步行去那里。

35. Why not do ... ?/ Why don’t/won’t you do ...? 为什么不做……?
  这个句型表示向别人提出建议或征求意见。注意Why not后可以直接加动词原形,可以看成是Why don’t/ won’t you do ...?的省略形式,例如:
  Why don’t you go there with me? = Why not go there with me? 为什么不和我去那里?

36. Will / Would /Could you (please) do sth? 请你做某事好吗?
  Would you please open the door for me? 请你为我打开门好吗?

37. Would you like (sb.) to do sth.?
  这个句型是表示“你想要/愿意(某人)做某事吗”,would like后要用动词不定式,用来征求意见。例如:
  Would you like to go swimming with me after school?放学后你愿意和我一起去游泳吗?

38. Would you mind doing sth.?
  这个句型是表示“做某事你介意吗?” 动词mind的后面用动名词形式作宾语,用于征求意见。例如:
  Would you mind opening the door? 打开门你介意吗?
  1. — What are you going to do this Sunday? - How about _____ with your father?
  A. to fish    B. fishing    C. fishes    D. fish

  2. Why not _____ to school on foot today?
  A. to go    B. going    C. go    D. went

  3. Let’s _____ the teacher for help.
  A. asking    B. ask    C. to ask    D. asks

  4. -Will you ______ me the way to your home? -Sure.
  A. say    B. tell    C. to say    D. telling

  5. Would you mind ______ me that book?
  A. to pass    B. pass    C. passing    D. passes

  1. 答案是B。本题是考查what/how about的后面用动名词形式作宾语表示“做某事如何”的意思,所以
  2. 答案是C。本题是考查why not+动词原形的用法,用于向别人提出建议。后面用动词原形,所以选
  3. 答案是B。在动词短语let somebody do something用动词原形作宾语补足语,所以选B。
  4. 答案是B。本题考查用情态动词will/would表示请求别人做某事的意思。句子的谓语动词用动词原
  5. 答案是C。在动词短语would you mind的后面用动名词形式作宾语,所以本题选择C。

39. 含有as soon as的句型
  这个句型是含有as soon as引导的时间状语从句的复合句,表示“一怎么样就怎么样”。注意当主句是一般将来时的时候,as soon as引导的从句和其他时间状语从句一样,一般用一般现在时来表示将来,例如:
  I will tell him the news as soon as he comes back. 他一回来我就告诉他。
  We will climb the hill as soon as the rain _____.
  A. stop    B. stops    C. will stop     D. stopping
  【答案与解析】答案是B。本题是考查as soon as引导的时间状语从句的用法,从句的谓语动词用一般现在时表示将来,所以选B。

40. 含有not...until...的句型
  I didn’t go to bed until I finished my homework.. 我直到做完作业才去睡觉。
  The kids didn’t start to fly kites in the playground ______ the rain stopped.
  A. if  B. whenever    C. until
  【答案与解析】答案是C。本题是考查连词not... until...的用法,表示“直到……才……”的意思,所以选C。句意:直到雨停了孩子们才开始放风筝。

41. be supposed/ willing to do...应该做某事
  be supposed to do表示“某人应该做某事”,be willing to do表示“某人愿意、乐意做某事”。这两个句型都是be+形容词+to do构成。例如:
  You are supposed to shake hands. 你们应该握手。
  Are you willing to help? 你愿意帮忙吗?
  We are not supposed ______ football on Sundays.
  A. to play    B. play    C. playing    D. plays
  【答案与解析】答案是A。be supposed 的后面用动词不定式,所以选A。

42. 主语+find +it +形容词+ 动词不定式
  We find it difficult to play soccer in our school.
  They find _____ interesting to play with these babies.
  A. it    B. that    C. one    D. them
  【答案与解析】答案是A。本题是用it作find的形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式短语to play with these babies,所以选A。

43. It seems that从句
  强调根据一定的事实所得出的一种接近于实际情况的判断,可以说就是事实,可以转换成“名词或代词+ seem +动词不定式”的句型,其意不变,如果动词不定式为to be + 形容词时,to be往往省略。例如:
  It seems that it is more difficult for women to get to the top of the company.
  It seems that no one likes the film. = No one seems to like the film.
  It seems that he is happy every day. = He seems (to be) happy every day.
  It seems to me that he ________ everything.
  A. know    B. to know    C. knowing    D. has known
  【答案与解析】答案是D。在句型It seems that的后面要接从句,从句的时态根据句子的意思判断是现在完成时,所以选D。

44. I think/ believe/ feel/ agree that...及I agree/ disagree with sb.
  这个句型是表示“我认为/ 相信/ 感觉/ 同意”的意思,that的后面是宾语从句,用于提出自己的想法和观点。agree如果表示“同意某人的想法或意见”可以用“I agree with sb.”,表示否定用“I disagree with sb.”. 例如:
  I think you are right. 我认为你是正确。
  I agree/ disagree with you. 我同意你的观点。
  I think maths is very difficult to learn. Do you ______ ______(同意) me?
  【答案与解析】答案是agree with。表示“同意某人的话”,一般要用agree with sb.。

45. I don’t think +宾语从句
  主句谓语动词是表示“想、认为”等意义的动词,如think, believe, imagine, suppose, expect, guess等,主句主语是第一人称,而且主句是一般现在时的时候,从句否定一般要转移到主句中。
  I _____ think you _____ speak English.
  A. think ; can’t    B. don’t ; can    C. don’t; can’t    D. think; aren’t
  【答案与解析】答案是B。本题是考查I don’t think+从句的用法,从句的否定要转移到前面的主句,所以选B。

46. What do you mean by/ What does ... mean? ......是什么意思?
  What do you mean by saying that? 你说那个是什么意思?
  What do you mean by ____ like this?
  A. to write   B. do   C. doing    D. write
  【答案与解析】答案是C。本题是考查句型What do you mean by+doing?的用法,在介词by的后面用动名词作宾语,所以选C。

47. What do you think of.../How do you like...? 你认为…怎么样?
  本句型表示“你认为/你感觉……怎么样?”,同义句是How do you like……? 用于询问主语对某事物的观点和看法。例如:
  —What do you think of our school? =How do you like our school?
  —It’s very modern. 很现代化。
  — ______ do you think of my handwriting?
  — I think it is very great.
  A. How    B. Why    C. When    D. What
  【答案与解析】答案是D。本题是考查用特殊疑问词what和think of连用表示“你感觉——怎么样”的意思,所以选择D。

48.What + be + 主语 + like? ...什么样?
  本句型是用be like表示询问某人或者某物什么样、如何的意思。例如:
  What is your work like? 你的工作怎么样?
  —________ is your exam ______?
  -It’s not too bad.
  A. What; like    B. How; like    C. Why; like    D. What ; be
  【答案与解析】答案是A。本题是考查用be like表示询问某人或者某物怎么样,所以选A。

49. It’s said/ reported that... 据说/据报道
  本句型表示“据说/据报道”的意思。that引导主语从句,表示所说的或所报道的内容。be said/ reported是被动语态,这个句型多用一般现在时。例如:
  It’s said that the news is not true. 据说那个消息不是真的。
  It_____ that your car was stolen by your friend.
  A. says    B. is saying    C. said    D. is said
  【答案与解析】答案是D。本题是考查用It’s said that +从句表示“据说”的意思,所以选择D。

50. one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数 … 其中之一
  one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数表示“是最……之一”的意思。注意名词要用复数。
  China is one of the biggest countries in the world. 中国是世界上最大的国家之一。
  My brother is one of the ______ in his class.
  A. tallest student    B. best students    C. tall student    D. tall students
  【答案与解析】答案是B。one of the best students表示“是最好的学生之一”的意思,所以选B。
第1个回答  2012-05-22