
1. Which do you value most for new caveer promotion prospect salaries benefit or working environment?and why?你最看重一份新工作的晋升机会还是工资福利?为什么?
2. what would you do if you catch a college stealing some office facilities from your company?如果你发现你的一个同事在偷你们公司的办公设施,你会怎么做?
3. what’s the most important quality of a HR manager?and why?一个人事资源部的经理最重要的品质是什么?为什么?
4. Concentrate on this statement,we can’t change society but adapet ourselves to it陈述一下这种说法,我们不能改变社会,但我们可以去适应它
5. We all agree that mobile phone,industry is an extremely competition marvel globally,Now suppose you are the CEO of Nokia,what would you do to save it plummeting market share in China?我们都认为手机行业在全球范围内都是一个极具竞争力的行业,现在假设你是诺基亚的CEO你将怎样做来拯救它在中国市场份额的暴跌?
