
accroding to the research ,there (is or are) 80 % students (spend or spends) about 3 hours in playing computer games every week and the rest of them ( spend or spends) 1 hours in reading books instead of playing computer games

1. there be 句型,谓语临近原则。谓语的数与be 动词后面的主语或第一个主语的数保持一致。所以是there are 80% studends ......
2. 定语从句的先行词,也就是引导词做从句主语时,从句谓语的数和先行词保持一致。你这个句子本来就有问题的,应该是there are 80% studends that\ who spend about 3 hours in playing computer games , that或who 引导定语从句,作从句主语是不能省略的。这里定语从句的谓语要由先行词决定, 也就是和students保持一致。 或用spending 现在分词也可以。
3. the rest of+名词作主语,谓语的数由of后面接的名词的数决定。 所以是 the rest of them spend 1 hour ...... (注意:不是 1 hours)
第1个回答  2012-06-22
% of,the rest of ,alot of/lots of ,part of 等短语后的名词决定谓语动词的单复数形式变化,这涉及到主谓一致问题的“逻辑意义一致原则”。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-06-22
there are 80% studends (that或who)spend about 3 hours in playing computer games , there be句型中由后面的主语the students 决定就用are,spend的主语是students所以就用spend。the rest of them spend。the rest of根据后面接的名词决定。