I have been around that block a time or two


第1个回答  2006-03-10
在英语里,"around the block"通常用来形容一个人有经验,因为这样的人通常有较丰富的生活阅历。例如:"Don't think you can fool me so easily: I have been around the block." (甭想这么容易就把我唬弄住,我可是有过经验教训了啊)你之所以懂得多,因为你的见闻和经历多,因为你曾经"around the block"。又例如:"You kids are too young to fall in love: Wait until you have been around the block a time or two."(你们这些孩子现在谈恋爱还太早!等你们长大点了再说吧)但有时候我们也不太喜欢这种所谓的“有经验”。例如:"I would stay away from that man if I were you. He has been around the block." (我要是你就会离那个男人远点儿,他可是老手了啊)

A person who has been "around the block" has experience, because they have been to different places and done different things. Example: "Don't think you can fool me so easily: I have been around the block." You know more, because you have seen and done more, once you have been around the block. Example: "You kids are too young to fall in love: Wait until you have been around the block a time or two." We sometimes question the type of experience a person has had when they have been around the block. Example: "I would stay away from that man if I were you. He has been around the block."本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2006-03-10
第3个回答  2006-03-10
第4个回答  2006-03-10