杰弗雷·乔叟 英文简介


Jeffre Chaucer (Geoffrey Chaucer, about 1343 ~ 1400) British poet. Teenagers entering the court when the poor. 1359 Edward III of the French expeditionary forces, the French military was captured shortly redemption. Chaucer's close contacts with the court, when the Tingchen, customs inspectors, Kent magistrates, County House of Commons. He was foreign affairs mission to many countries and regions, visited Belgium, France, Italy and other countries, have the opportunity to meet with Pitt Baogaqiu Iraq, which his literature had a great impact. Chaucer's out of favour in the asylum, were deprived of sudden and annuities, economic constraints. He has written Dayoushi "to the air bag," just to the throne Henglisishi, the Ombudsman own poverty. 1400 Chaucer's death, buried in the church Lunduiweishiminteshi "Poets Corner."

Chaucer's poetry writing is divided into three periods: ① France affected period (1359 to 1372): The translation and follow the example of the French poet's works, created the "condolences Duchess" (The Book of the Duchess (1369)), with London French translation of the medieval dialect long narrative poem "Rose legend." ② Italy affected period (1372 to 1386): Poet contact with the bourgeois humanism of the progressive thinking. Creation of this period such as "a five", "Teluoyileishi and Kelaixide" (Troilus and Criseyde (c. 1385)), "Good Woman of the story," reflects the reality of life for the author Humanism creative attitude and perspective. ③ maturity period (1386 to 1400): Chaucer's in the last 15 years to engage in "Canterbury Tales" creative. In both content and technique, have reached the pinnacle of his creation. He pioneered the two-Yun heroes for the future of the widely used by the British poet, known as "the father of British Poetry."

Chaucer's early works by Italy and the impact of French literature. He French literature in Cleveland legend, lyrics and animal fable, such as the introduction of English Literature. His early works, "Teluoleishi and Kelaixide" (1385), lively personality delicate shape, language witty humor.

From 1377, Chaucer's mission to the European continent many times, contact the Dante, Pitt Baogaqiu such as Iraq and the work. These writers anti-feudal and anti-religious humanism and the spirit of thinking, to Chaucer's creative thinking has undergone profound changes, has begun to shift to realism. According to a long poem Baogaqiu rewrite the narrative poem "Teluoleishi grams of the Federal Republic of Germany and" get rid of the traditional fantasy and fable, replaced by the reality of social life in the figures and details of the description, this is the first Chaucer a realistic works.

Chaucer's in the last 15 years of his life to the "Canterbury Tales" (The Canterbury Tales (1387-1400)) creation. This is his most outstanding works.

Chaucer's vision and broad, profound observation, writing practices diverse and truly reflect the different social strata of life, and create a reality of the British literary tradition of Shakespeare and Dickens have an impact.

"Canterbury Tales" is the British author Chaucer's novels. Works about a group of pilgrims gathered in a small hotel in London, for a pilgrimage to Canterbury City. The owner, who proposed the pilgrims en route from the speakers in the two stories to see for the best. Tales includes 23 stories, one of the most exciting story: Knight stresses love story of the tragedy, UNIFEM Bath story for the Cavaliers, who sold tickets for the Yom Kippur advise to the world fable, the priests say animal fable, businessmen talking about the story of a family dispute, farmers say touching love and generous spirited acts of the story. Works reflect extensive period of the capitalist budding British social life, exposing the Church's corruption, greed and hypocrisy of clerics condemned the stifling human abstinence, and affirmed the secular love lives.

"Canterbury Tales" high artistic achievement, far more than the previous generation of British literature, the history of the British literary realism of the first model. Entries will combine humor and irony, comedy flavor, and most of them by double story of the poem written in rhyme, later had an impact on British literature. Figures clear, and lively language. Chaucer's livelier with the London dialect creation, as well as the British laid the foundation for literary language. He pioneered the two-Yun heroes for the future of the widely used by the British poet, thus Chaucer's known as "the father of British Poetry."
Geoffrey Chaucer's works
Geoffrey Chaucer (Geoffrey Chaucer, 1340 -1400), a famous writer of medieval England, was born in a wine family. 1359 Edward III of the French expeditionary forces, the French military was captured near a gold redemption. Chaucer's when the King attendants, Chinese ambassador to many European countries, two visits to Italy, found Dante, Pitt Baogaqiu Iraq and the works of his literary creations from a great role. Masterpieces: "Canterbury Tales" (The Canterbury Tales) other works, "a book of the Duchess" (Book of the Duchess), "the reputation of the Palace" (The House of Fame), "a five session" (The Parliament of Fowles) , "Yin UNIFEM legend" (The Legend of Good Women), and "Troilus and Ke-li west" (Troilus and Criseyde). Chaucer in the October 25, 1400 in London, died buried in Westminster Abbey, "the poet's corner." Chaucer's cause of death unknown, may have been murder, an expert in the study of medieval Britain's Terry Jones has a book out, "Who the murder of Chaucer? . "
Chaucer's first to use London dialect writing, and creativity "of the double hero," the British national language and a great impact on the development of literature, it praised as the "Father of British Poetry."