

The restaurant was opened 50 years ago. 这家餐厅是50年前开张的
The restaurant has been reopened after its redecoration. 这家餐厅重装后已经重新开张
The restaurant acts as the one of the landmarks in the city. 这家餐厅是这座城市的地标之一
The restaurant will become more and more flourishing. 这家餐厅将会越加兴旺发达追问



改成小作文如下,供你参考 == 自己再改改,把它变成自己的:

There is a restaurant near my residence. It was opened 50 years ago. It was well-known in the city and even all over the country. It served with the local dishes.

Now, the restaurant has been reopened after its redecoration. It has changed into a modern restaurant, presenting with the western food as well as the local dishes.

The restaurant is acting as the one of the landmarks in the city. it is a pride in my city.

I hope that the restaurant will become more and more flourishing.

第1个回答  2012-07-14

I went to the restaurant. (过去时态)
I am going to the restaurant. (现在进行时态)
I go to the restaurant. (现在时态)
I will to go the restaurant. (未来时态)

如果有具体想要翻译的句子请追问,希望对你有帮助 :)追问



I used to work at a restaurant. While working there, I learned a lot of valuable skills such as balancing many dishes on one arm, and memorizing orders and requests. I also learned how to be patient and careful when I need to. Even though the pay is not so great, the experience was unforgettable and I would definitely like to work there again in the future.

Currently I am busy, but as soon as I have some free time, I will look for an opportunity to work at a restaurant once again. It's a very educational experience, and a good way to meet a lot of people.

第2个回答  2012-07-14
I often go to the resturant.
I went to the resturant yesterday.
I will go to the resturant tomorrow.
I have been to the resturant.追问




第3个回答  2012-07-14
Cindy loved that restaurant so much, however she doesn't love it now, she has been working there for over 3 years, and she will work there for another 3 years.追问

