初一英语《my favorit sport》作文大全50词


1,My favourite sport is basketball because it is an exciting game and I feel relaxed after playing it.我最喜欢的运动是篮球,因为打篮球之后能放松身心。Besides that,the real reason why I like basketball is that I like N.B.A stars and the best basketball player in the history of the game I like is Michael Jordan. 此外,我喜欢打篮球的真正原因是我喜欢NBA的最佳球员迈克尔·乔丹,NBA的历史传奇。As everyone knows, playing basketball is not only good for our healthy but also make people excited. 众所周知,打篮球不仅对我们的身体健康有益,还能让人们兴奋起来。In my spare time,I often play basketball with my friends in the playground near my home.在我的空余时间内,我常常与朋友在家的附近球场打篮球。We have a good time when we play basketball together.我们一起打篮球时度过了美好的时光。Personally,I think it is easy to play basketball. 个人觉得,打篮球非常的容易I hope everyone love basketball,too.我希望每个人都喜爱篮球。So we can play together.所以我们能一起切磋。We can have a good time when playing basketball.我们能够一起打篮球共度快乐时光。