我们的英语作业是30个有关家务的词组 帮帮忙


clean the windows 清洁窗户
place the table 整理桌子
water the vegetable/flowers 洗蔬菜
plant the trees 种树
paint the walls 粉刷墙壁
cook the meals 做饭
wash the clothes    洗衣服
set the table 摆饭桌
make the bed 铺床
put away the clothes 收衣服
empty the trash 倒垃圾
clean the room 打扫房间
sweep the floor 扫地
do the dishes 洗盘子
sweep the fool 扫地
take out the trash 倒垃圾
make your bed 整理床铺
fold your clothes 叠衣服
clean the living room 打扫起居室
do the laundry 洗衣服
do the cooking 做饭
buy drinks and snacks 买饮料和点心
fold up the newspaper 叠报纸
do the flowers 插花
boil water 烧水
baby-sit 看小孩
fix things 修理东西
walk the dog 溜狗
make coffee 煮咖啡
do the ironing 熨衣服
第1个回答  2012-05-04
洗碗:wash/do the dishes
拖地:mop the floor
扫地:sweep the floor
洗衣服:wash the clothes
烧饭:do the cooking
整理房间tidy (up) the room
擦窗clean the windows
铺床make the bed
摆放餐具set the table
刷墙paint the walls
煮餐点cook the meals
浇花water the vegetable/flowers
倒垃圾:take out the trash
洗衣服:do the laundry
晾衣服:hang the clothes out
收拾桌子:clean the table
掸去家具灰尘:dust the furniture
1.wash dishes 洗盘子刷碗;
2.wash out sinks/bathtub/toilet 冲洗水槽/浴盆/厕所(马桶);
3.clean/sweep (the) floor 扫地;
4.dust furnitures 为家具除尘;
5.wipe windows/tables/chairs 擦玻璃/桌子/椅子;
6.cook meals 做饭;
7.make the bed 铺床;
8.tidy (up) the room 整理房间;
9.arrange books on the shelf 整理书架上的书;
10.wash clothes 洗衣服.
clean the house, do housework, wash clothes, sweep the floor, make the bed, cook supper, make tea, do some shopping, clean the window, look after the baby
第2个回答  2012-05-04
1.do the dishes ; 2.do the chores; 3.babysit; 4.water the flowers; 5.cook; 6.make dinner; 7.wash clothes; 8.sweep the floor 9.clean the bedroom;10make the bed; 11.feed the cat; 12.take out the trash; 13.do housework; 14 fold the clothes; 15. do the laundry; 16.help in the gardon; 17.prepare for the dinner; 18.clean the living room. 19.wash the cups 20.clean the bike
21.clean the car 22.clean the kitchen 23.feed the dog 24.lock the garage 25.wash the vegetables 26. cut the vegetables up 27. clean the dog 28. clean the cat. 29.feed the cat with milk 30. clean the windows
第3个回答  2012-05-04
do housework wash clothes clean the room make the bed cook a meal
sweep the floor take a shower watch TV put books in order wash dishes
move the furnituer
第4个回答  2012-05-04
1.clean the room 2.clean the fioor