
在您教课的这段时间里,我从您身上学到了很多对我很有帮助的东西. 首先, 您让我知道了西方人的思维方式-直接的思维方式.我认为理解西方人的想法是非常重要的. 就像您所了解的一样,它可以在考试的时候以及跟老外交流的时候帮助我. 其次,在您的课堂上,我也找到了讲英语的自信,您要知道,找这种自信已经花了我太多的时间.现在,我总是尽可能的用英语来表达我自己的想法.这种感觉真是太好了.最后,我发现学英语也不像以前那么无聊了,我很喜欢学英语,不像以前把它仅仅当作要通过考试必须完成的一个任务. 读, 听和讲,所有的一切都变得有趣起来了.我非常高兴.

Dear teachers,
I have to thank you for your letter to me to learn English, speak English in the process of giving me help.
You teach in the period, I have learned from you to me a lot of helpful things, first, you let me know the Western way of thinking - direct way of thinking and I think the idea is to understand Westerners very important. like you know the same, it can test and the time when the exchange with foreigners help me. Secondly, in your classroom, I found the self-confidence to speak English, you should know that this finding confident I have spent a lot of time. now, I always use English as much as possible to express my own ideas. such It feels great. Lastly, I found that learning English is not so boring before, I am like learning English, not only as it previously passed the examination must be completed to the task. read, listen and speak, all the everything becomes interesting again. me very happy.
I would like to say thank you to the you, Thank you for your help, thank you spend the time to see me this letter.
I wish you the best of luck with a long