

1.你如果爱着生活,生活一定比谁都清楚If you love life, life must know better than anyone.
2.我在冰淇淋中偷出了夏天,也想在你眼中窃取爱意。I stole summer from ice cream, and i want to steal love from your eyes.
3.我想借一点温柔的阳光让我怦然心动我想借一点温柔的阳光让我怦然心动岁月不饶人,我亦未曾饶过岁月盐于律己,甜以待人I want to borrow a little gentle sunshine to make my heart beat. I want to borrow a little gentle sunshine to make my heart beat. The years do not spare people, I have not spared the years. Be strict with oneself and be sweet to others.
4.白天睡 晚上睡 睡了一上午 还有一下午Sleep during the day, sleep at night for a morning, and an afternoon.
5.It's like copying day by day. It's boring. 一天天过的跟复制似的,真是无聊。
6.The road ahead is vast, everything can be expected. 前路浩浩荡荡,万事皆可期待。
7. 我以前救了一只受伤的小狮子,痊愈后就放生了。 两年后我路过那个草原,它看着我,我看着它。我们都向对方跑去。等我们距离只有两米的时候,我发现,我认错了。。
8.不管人生多煎熬,都要眉眼带笑。No matter how hard life is, you have to smile.
9.钱是治愈情绪的 最佳良药 简单粗暴好用Money is the best medicine to cure emotions, simple and rude.
10.Growing up is really boring, even happiness is wrapped in a layer of bitterness.
别什么都为别人考虑你也是宝贝你也很重要.Don't think about everyone else. You too, baby. You're important, too.