跪求一篇初二的 英语短文

我们老师要学生每人都准备 一篇英语文章,并到讲台上脱稿演讲,我想要一篇关于哈利波特的推荐类型的英语短文。例如,同学们 老师们,今天,我给大家推荐一本书,书的名字是哈利波特。它主要写了………… 〈省略〉 不用多长,希望单词比较简单,不用太多的生单词。但必须包含以下几个内容: 1。书的主人公是谁,并做简要介绍。 2。在魔法学校时有什么有趣的经历〈很简单就可以了。例如飞天的汽车等》 请英语高手速速写一篇啊,,,,有重谢 〈跪求〉 。。

Harry Potter is the British writer Kathleen Joanne Rowling J.K. Rowling (of) famous novels "Harry Potter" the hero. "Harry potter" series has been translated into many languages, nearly seventy 200 countries around the world total sales of more than 350 million copies. "Harry potter" series, including the seven former six to hogwarts school as the main stage, the description is harry potter in hogwarts school six years of learning adventure stories. "Harry potter" series, appraised as bodacious best-selling novel, one of the four children become the Mickey Mouse, snoopy cartoon image etc, Garfield has the most successful children's idol. Harry potter this character immediately, make its literature countless lakes to the reader, it must be poured a miracle of literature. Rowling the imaginative magic mother brought laughter and tears, millions of people around the world and brought the fans a beautiful dream!