

1. 冰糖Shirley
2. 添砖java
3. 真的Dior丝
4. 一jay钟情
5. star皆空
6. 五体toddy
7. skr为止
8. 东施Shopping
9. 生无Clean
10. 煎bingo子
11. 低头school乡
12. 藏龙wolf
13. 一lemon逼
14. 皮蛋solo粥
15. even不值
16. lose谁手清弊
17. bottle汹涌
18. 你伤害了我却excel过
19. 我就是贪生pass
20. 好sir之徒
21. 手draw饼
22. 吓swallow
23. Tony带水
24. 似懂freedom
25. 有bear来
26. 无five天
27. 运筹vivo
28. 无情hollow少
29. 东方不buy
30. 悄woo声息
Punches, also known as puns in English, are a common figure of speech used widely in literature, films, and daily life. These figures of speech skillfully exploit the homophonic, polysemous, or ambiguous nature of words to convey multiple meanings in the same sentence. This creates a lively, humorous, or satirical effect, making the reader unable to hold back a smile.