有没有人帮我讲一下no doubt、what'more、in addition用法的区别

在做一些题目有涉及到这几个词,有没有谁可以和我讲一下no doubt、what'more、in addition这三个词的用法的区别!谢谢啦!

1 no doubtadv. 无疑地;很可能地I suppose you have no doubt about that?我想对你这个说法不会有疑问吧?2 what‘s more而且;此外;加之;更重要的是What's more, taking exercise is very helpful to our health.而且锻炼对身体非常有好处。3 in addition另外,此外In addition, the new treatment reduces the number of injections needed.此外,新型疗法减少了注射剂的使用数量。 in addition表示另外,一般用于插入语,跟what's more比较接近
In addition ,there are six other applicants.
what's more,there are six other applicants
除此之外, 还有六个申请人
in addition to后面可直接跟名词
In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.
除了一本照相簿外, 我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。
第1个回答  2014-01-23
no doubt :There is no doubt that ..毫无疑问的…what's more.另外,而且。如:I like apples.What's more,I like bananas ,too.in addition:sth in addition 另外 如:They eat a great deal of fruit in addition(望采纳,谢谢)
第2个回答  2014-01-23
There is no doubt that ... what's more 和in addition 都有此外的意思 在使用中后面大多数加逗号 只是插入语 不与主句有关系的