bring...into effect ;put...into effect;carry int


1. bring into effect 实行;实施;使生效
The company brings into effect strict management system.
2. bring into operation 投入运转;实施,使生效
When do we bring it into operation?
什么时候实施 这个计划呢?
3. carry into effect 实行;使生效
To carry the policy into effect , a lot of money was needed.
4. come into effect 开始生效;开始实施
The new timetable will come into effect tomorrow.
新的火车时刻表明天生效。 When would the measure come into effect? 这项措施什么时候会投入实施
5. come into operation 生效;开始实施
The new regulations will come into operation next Sunday.
新的规章下星期日起生效。 The contract will come into operation on 1st of Oct. 该合同将于2007年10月1日生效。 由上面的例句课看出,bring into operation 以及 carry into effect 两个用在句子中时为 bring sth. into operation 跟 carry sth. into effect 的形式。 其他的基本没什么区别。
6. When does the law go into effect? 该法律什么时候生效?
7. A new waterworks will go into operation.一座自来水厂将要投产。
8. put into operation实施,使生效,使运行
This set of device will be put into operation. 这套装置将被投入运行。
9. put into practice 实行,实施;付诸实践
Will this plan be put into practice? 这项计划能实施吗?
China put into practice the nine-years compulsory education.
中国实行九年制义务教育。 10. put into effect 实行;实现,实施,贯彻;使生效 The new procedures have been officially put into effect, so to speak. 新措施可以说已经正式实施了。 This is no easy matter, but the policy is set and must be put into effect. 这是困难的事,但这是必须执行的确定的政策。 注:put into operation 以及 put into effect 必须用于被动语态追问

