

Dota 2 Auto Chess code refers to in-game hotkeys that can influence the gameplay. One such code is "tp," which teleports your courier back to its starting point. This can be crucial in tight matches where a delayed attack can be the difference between victory and defeat. Players often hide their courier in a corner to delay the fatal "Golden Snake Wrapping Hand" damage. By pressing Enter and typing "tp," your courier can reset its position, thus buying you valuable seconds.
Another code is "-wtf," which is said to cause instant death when entered in the chat. It's likely this is a debug feature保留 by the developers at Team Secret to prevent game bugs and is not intended for regular use. While it remains functional in the current version, it's uncertain if it will be available in future updates.
For new players in Dota 2 Auto Chess, strategy involves building your deck based on the core cards you draw. For instance:
1. If you draw a Dragon Knight, consider a three-Dragon strategy. However, if you haven't drawn a Dragon Knight and have Tusk or Lone Druid, there's no need to rush to upgrade them to two stars as it will tie up your inventory space and economic potential.
2. Drawing a Lone Druid suggests considering a Druid strategy. Don't force a three-star upgrade unless you have a clear strategy, to avoid浪费 resources.
3. If you get an Electrician, then think about a three-Mage lineup. The same principle applies; don't commit to a strategy until you have the necessary cards.
Understanding and utilizing these codes and strategies can significantly enhance your experience and success in Dota 2 Auto Chess.