

1. Bread, as a staple food in Western countries, comes in various forms: bread sticks, slices, crumbs, and large rectangular loaves.
2. Due to the diverse forms of bread, when people mention "bread," they often refer to it as a general "food item." We cannot accurately determine whether it refers to a large chunk, a slice, crumbs, or a stick.
3. When the quantity is uncertain, how can we count bread? It is precisely because of this uncertainty that bread is uncountable.
4. To make bread countable, we need to add a measure word, such as "a piece of bread" for a slice or "two pieces of bread" for two slices.
5. Similar uncountable nouns include rice and porridge. To make them countable, a measure word is required, like "one bowl of rice" or "two bowls of porridge."
6. In English, countable nouns have fixed quantifiers and can often be omitted, while uncountable nouns have variable quantifiers and cannot be omitted.
7. Regarding the word "bread," it may seem countable in Chinese, but those who have visited bakeries know that the form and quantifier of bread vary.
8. A slice of bread is referred to as "a slice," while a baguette is called "a loaf." Therefore, "bread" is an uncountable noun in English.