

1. "Bread" is an uncountable noun.
2. The term "bread" refers to the food item, typically leavened dough cooked in an oven.
3. In English, "bread" is pronounced as [bred] in the UK and [brɛd] in the US.
4. "Bread" can also mean sustenance, nourishment, or a livelihood.
5. To scatter crumbs of bread, one would "sprinkle breadcrumbs."
6. Usage of "bread" includes:
a. Referring to the basic food item, such as a slice or loaf of bread.
b. Describing sustenance or nourishment provided by food.
c. Indicating a means of livelihood or income.
7. When discussing a quantity of bread, use a unit of measurement such as "a slice of bread" or "two loaves of bread."
8. "Bread" is used in expressions like "the staff of life," which refers to bread as a staple food.
9. In a broader context, "bread" can symbolize any sustenance or support in difficult times, as in "bread and butter," meaning basics or necessities.