

saturday,october 29th,2011.Today is my sister's birthday........

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Today is my elder sister's birthday. I had made some fruit salad for her that she likes to eat, and she was very happy.
The steps to do the fruit salad:
First, we peel three bananas, three apples, and one watermelon.
Second, we cut them and then put them into a large bowl.
Third, we put two tablespoons of honey and a glass of milk to the bowl;
Finally, we mixed them together..
第1个回答  2012-08-17
The First Fruit Salad
I always remember that day, and never forget. It was first time I made a fruit Salad with my sister together.
It was in my sister’s birthday party, Saturday, 29th October 2011. My sister taught me to make fruit salad.
First of all, the fruits would be peeled, three bananas, three apples and one watermelon.
Then, all of them will cut into pieces, and put in a big bowl.
After that, put two spoons of honey and one cup of milk in it.
Finally, all of them will be mixed together.
It is delicious. You can do it too!
第2个回答  2012-08-17
Today is my sister's birthday .I had done the fruit salad that she likes to eat, and your sister is very happy.The steps of fruit salad
FIrst, peel three banana three apple and watermelon
Second ,Cut them, and then into alarge bowl
Third , Puttwo tablespoons of honey and a glass of milktothe bowl