

第1个回答  2022-10-29
问题一:我们的住宿类型有哪些英语 我们的住宿类型有哪些?
What kinds of acmodation do we have?

问题二:住宿 用英语怎么说 说法多啊,例如 stay; put up; stop at; get acmodation; lodge 等等。你没有提供上下文,我就无法确定究竟该用哪一个。不过 stay; put up; stop at 最常用了,特别是指零时住宿,如:
You can stay / put up / stop at a hotel for the night. 你可以在一家宾馆住宿。
这句中get acmodation 似也可用,但语气显得正式、庄重些。 lodge 则更正式,而且多指较长时间在出住宿,如你可以
lodge with your relatives 在亲戚家住宿
ladge at the school 在学校寄宿

问题三:住宿用英语怎么说 住宿的英文翻译1.to stay; to put up; to get acmodation; to take up quarters; to stop at2.acmodations; lodging

问题四:住宿英文怎么说 Acodation

问题五:宿舍的英语怎么说 宿舍
[sù shè]
dormitory; dorm; hostel; living quarters;
1. 很大一部分城市人口住在破烂的住房或工厂宿舍里。
Much of the urban population lived in crumbling tenements and factory dormitories.
2. 她搬出宿舍,跟两个朋友一起住进了一套公寓。
She left the dorm and moved into an apartment with two friends.
3. 我睡在水泥建造的宿舍里。
I'm sleeping in a concrete dormitory.
4. 一座宿舍倒塌导致一名上海男子死亡,另有报告说七人严重受伤。
A collapsed dormitory killed a shanghai man, while seven serious injuries were also reported.
Most of the residents of the boarding house have made the same choice, which explains the queue for toilets at 11 am.

问题六:关于酒店房间类型的英语 single room 单人房 double room 双人房 suit 套房,有客厅的 president room 总统套房 delux 特别豪华 double room with twinbeds 双人房有两张床 double room with one bouble/ queesnn/ king size bed 双人房有一张双人/皇后/皇帝床尺码的床 studio 睡房有活动空间