


1. cost

作为动词,cost 意为“花费”,如:The ticket cost me ten dollars. 作为名词,它表示“价格,成本,费用”,如:The cost of living is much higher now than it was two years ago.

2. deal

作为动词,deal 意为“对待”,如:Teachers should deal fairly with their pupils. 作为名词,它表示“很多,大量”,如:She spent a good deal of money on new clothes. “公平的待遇”用法:a fair deal.

3. interest

在教材中,interest 作为“兴趣”和“使感兴趣”的含义出现,作为名词或动词使用。例如:The money I borrowed from him was repaid with interest. 表示利息时为不可数名词,表示利益或好处时用复数形式。

4. drive

作为动词,drive 意为“开车,驾驶”,如:Can you drive a car? 作为名词,意为“驱车旅行”,如:Let’s go for a drive in the country. 还有其他用法,如:运动(a drive for greater efficiency)、车道(the drive)、驱使(poverty drove the little boy to steal)、把某事讲透彻(drive sth. home)以及把某人或某事物赶走(drive sb./sth. away)。

5. join

作为及物动词,join 意为“加入,参加”,如:What club do you want to join? 另外,它可以表示两个实体的结合,如:The two rivers join at the bridge. 或是“连接处,接缝”(the join)。

6. dream

作为动词时,dream 意为“做梦,梦到”,如:I’ve known David for 20 years. 作为名词,意为“梦想,幻想”,如:Her new dress is an absolute dream.

7. know

作为动词,know 意为“知道,了解”,如:I’ve known David for 20 years. 这里知道的意思为“认识”。在希望教导孩子分辨是非时,如:I hope we have taught our children to know right from wrong. 这里的know意味着“区分”。当提及亲身经历时,如:The old man has known both poverty and wealth. 这里的know意味着“亲身经历”。

8. fail

作为动词,fail 意为“失败;不及格,没有通过考试”,如:If you don’t work hard, you may fail. 其他用法包括忘记、忽视或未能做某事、健康状况衰退、使失望或辜负、考试不及格以及一定、肯定(I’ll be there at two o’clock without fail)。

9. lead

作为动词,lead 意为“引导,领导”,作为名词,意为“领先;领先地位;带头”,如:lead the way. 还有通向(Which road leads to the mountain?)、过某种生活(My grandmother is leading a quiet life in the countryside.)、导致(Not having a balanced diet can lead to health problems.)、领先地位(Her brother took the lead in the high jump.)、主角(In this new film, she is the lead.)等用法。

10. fall

作为动词,fall 意为“落下,下降”,如:The leaves fall in autumn. 其他用法包括跌落、掉下、降落(I had a fall and broke my arm.)、计划落空(Our holiday plans fell through because of bad weather.)、破裂、破碎、散架(My car is falling apart.)以及无法控制地大笑(We fell about (laughing) when we heard the joke.)和求助于(Sam, please fall back on old friends in time of need.)等。

11. low

作为形容词,low 意为“低的,矮的”,如:The sun is low in the sky. 其他用法包括消沉的(She’s been feeling rather low since her illness.)、低价地或廉价地(The simplest way to succeed in business is to buy low and sell high.)以及几乎耗尽(The gas is running low.)。

12. blind

作为形容词,blind 意为“瞎的,盲人的”,如:She is blind in the left eye. 另外还有窗帘或遮光物(The blinds were drawn to protect the new furniture from the sun.)、使失明(The soldier was blinded in the explosion.)、无法投寄的信件(This is a blind letter.)和对某事熟视无睹(He’s blind as a bat without his glasses.)等用法。

13. film

作为名词,film 意为“电影”,这是其最常见的含义。此外,它还可以表示胶卷或胶片(I put a new roll of film in my camera.)或拍摄(It took them nearly a year to film this TV series.)。

14. land

作为动词,land 意为“使着陆”,如:The pilot landed the plane safely in the heavy snow. 作为名词,意为“陆地,大地”,如:The journey to the far side of the island is quicker by land than by sea. 还有其他用法,如容纳(The theater is full.)和把某人送到某地(The car will land you there in twenty minutes.)、使某人陷入困境(He’s really landed himself in it this time.)和了解事态(He wants to see how the land lies before taking any action.)等。

15. cause

作为动词,cause 意为“使发生,引起”,如:She’s always causing trouble. 其他用法包括原因(Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease.)和事业、目标(People fought for the cause of freedom and peace.)。

16. full

作为形容词,full 意为“满的,充满的”,如:The theater is full. 其他用法包括直接地或精确地(Jack hit him full in the face.)、充分地或彻底地(Use your abilities to the full.)以及全部地或全文地(He told me the story in full.)。

17. clean

作为形容词,clean 意为“干净的,清洁的”,如:We must keep our hands clean. 作为动词,它表示“弄干净,清洁”,如:She is cleaning the blackboard. 还有彻底地或完全地(I clean forgot about it.)和清洁过程或清扫(The car needs a good clean.)等用法。

18. hold

作为动词,hold 意为“举行;召集;主持”,如:The plane holds about 200 passengers. 除了这些基本用法,它还可以表示容纳(Who holds the world record for the high jump?)或保持(The plane holds about 200 passengers.)。

19. light

作为名词,light 意为“光,光线”,如:This is a room with good light. 作为形容词,意为“轻的”,如:It is so light that I can carry it easily. 还有其他用法,如:火柴或打火机(May I borrow your light?)、轻松的或使人不疲劳的(Since you’re not well, you’d better do some light housework.)以及低度酒的(My brother bought a bottle of light beer in the shop.)等。

