

机械工程是工业之母,是实现我国强国之梦的重要基石。清华大学机械工程系始建于1932年,其前身为清华大学工学院机械工程学系,是清华最早成立的工科系之一。1952年,院系调整,成立了清华大学机械制造系,之后历经变迁,机械系的广大教职工面向国家需求和机械工程的发展前沿方向,不断开拓新的领域,为国家科技进步和人才培养做出重要贡献,也造就了一支分布在机械工程学院各系(机械工程系、精密仪器系、热能工程系、汽车工程系、工业工程系)的机械工程优秀人才队伍,2012 年12 月27 日,经学校批准,由原机械工程系和原精密仪器与机械学系中机械工程学科的教职工组建新的机械工程系(简称:机械系),并以其为主建设清华大学机械工程一级学科。清华大学机械工程系迈上新的台阶,迎来了新的发展机遇。
Mechanical engineering is the mother of industry, is the important cornerstone of the dream of China power. The Mechanical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University was founded in 1932, and its predecessor is the Mechanical Engineering Department of Tsinghua University, and it is one of the earliest Engineering Department of Tsinghua University.. In 1952, Department of adjustment, set up the Tsinghua University Department of mechanical manufacturing, after the change, the demand of the country and the development direction of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Department of the general staff oriented, and constantly open up new areas, make an important contribution to the progress of national science and technology and personnel training, also created a distribution in the school of Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical Department Department of engineering, Department of precision instruments, Department of thermal engineering, automotive engineering, industrial engineering, Mechanical Engineering) excellent talents, in December 27, 2012, approved by the school, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of mechanical engineering and the original Department of precision instruments and Mechanology in disciplines established the Department of Mechanical Engineering (referred to as: new Department of Mechanical Engineering). The main construction of Tsinghua University mechanical engineering disciplines. Tsinghua University mechanical engineering department to a new level, ushered in a new opportunity for development.
目前机械系拥有包括5 名院士在内的一支高水平教师队伍,有摩擦学国家重点实验室、先进成形制造教育部重点实验室、精密超精密制造装备及控制北京市重点实验室、生物制造与快速成形技术北京市重点实验室等科研基地,还建有国家级工科机械基础教学示范中心、国家级工程实践教育中心,现代测试教学中心和创造性设计实验室等多个教学中心或基地。
The Department of mechanical engineering, including 5 academicians, including a high level of teachers, State Key Laboratory of tribology, advanced forming manufacturing Key Laboratory of Ministry of education, precision ultra precision manufacturing equipment and control of Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory, biological manufacturing and rapid prototyping technology, Beijing Key Laboratory of research base, National Engineering Machinery Foundation teaching demonstration center, National Engineering Practice Education Center, teaching center of modern test and creative design laboratory multiple teaching centers or bases.
经过八十多年的发展,机械系已经形成了面向国家工业化的主流行业(如重大装备、航空航天、交通运输、国防军工等),以国家制造业的重大需求为背景,聚焦国际学术前沿的研究特色,注重先进的设计技术与数字化科学、制造技术与材料科学、表面科学与技术、生物制造科学与技术、机器人技术、智能控制技术、现代管理学等密切交叉与融合,形成了若干在国内外具有影响力的研究方向,包括:微纳机械科学与技术、摩擦学与表面工程、机械设计与多学科优化技术、现代制造与加工技术、机械电子技术、生物制造技术、成形制造理论及计算机模拟仿真、成形制造过程控制及自动化、快速原型制造与激光加工、航空宇航制造工程等。在2014 年英国QS 的全球机械学科排名为15。
After the development of more than 80 years, mechanical department has formed the mainstream industry oriented industrialized countries (such as major equipment, aerospace, transportation, defense and military), with significant demand of national manufacturing industry as the background, study the characteristics of the international academic front focus, focus on the design of digital technology and Science, advanced manufacturing technology and materials science, surface science and technology, bio manufacturing science and technology, robot technology, intelligent control technology, modern management is closely overlapping and fusion, the formation of a number of influential in the domestic and foreign research, including: micro nano mechanical science and technology, tribology and surface engineering, mechanical design and multidisciplinary optimization technology the modern machinery manufacturing and processing technology, electronic technology, bio manufacturing technology, manufacturing theory and computer simulation, manufacturing process control and automation, rapid prototyping and laser processing, aerospace manufacturing etc.. In 2014 the UK QS global mechanical discipline ranked 15.
First class teachers to cultivate first-class students. In the training of students and Mechanical Department adhere to the training concept of "thick foundation, wide caliber, and practice, strong quality, focus on the cultivation of student's comprehensive ability, for the future development of the personalization of the students and lay a solid foundation, graduates can into the mainstream of national manufacturing enterprises, become the scholar of Societe Generale, can also go to academic institutions, become the backbone of academic, but also to the national government agencies, become the rule of excellence.
The rapid development of China's industry and the reform of the "re industrialization" of the developed countries provide a broad stage for the development of mechanical engineering.. Department of mechanical engineering, sincerely welcome the majority of outstanding students to study, also welcome to join the mechanical engineering studies of people with lofty ideals to join, together for the progress of science and technology of mechanical engineering efforts.