


B类could, would, should, might, needn't, ought to, used to, could have, should have等引述时不发生改变

例:原句:'I could meet you at the airport.' 引述句:He said that he could meet us at the airport.

       原句:'We might drop in if we have time.' 引述句:They said they might drop in if they have time.

       原句:'You should have contacted me earlier.' 引述句:She said I should have contacted her earlier. 

C类will, can, may,引用时通常改为would, could, might,

例:原句:'She may have already left.' 引述句:He thought she might have already left.

       原句'Careful! You'll fall through the ice!' 引述句:I warned him he would fall through the ice.

但如果引用主句为一般现在时,且事件或情况依然存在或会延续下去,则情态动词不发生改变,如果引用主句为过去时,且事件或情况依然存在或会延续下去,则情态动词可不变或变为would, could, might。

例:原句'I'll be in Paris at Christmas.' 引述句:She tells me she'll be in Paris at Christmas.

       原句'The problem can be solved.' 引述句:They said the problem can/could be solved.


例:原句'I shall (I'll) call you on Monday.' 引述句 She told me she would call me on Monday.

       原句'Where shall I put this box?' 引述句:He asked where he should put the box.

E类must译为必须时,引述句为must或had to,must译为总结时,引述句为must,mustn't不发生改变

例:'You must be home by 9 o'clock.' 引述句:She said I must/had to be home by 9 o'clock. (口语中had to更自然)

       'I didn't hear the phone. I must be going deaf.' 引述句:Alex thought he must be going deaf.

       'You mustn't tell my brother.' 引述句:He warned me that I mustn't tell his brother.


例:'You're not allowed to smoke here.' 引用句:She told me that I mustn't smoke there.

       'My advice is to look for a new job now.' 引用句:She said that I should look for a new job now.

第1个回答  2022-03-31
第2个回答  2022-04-04
第3个回答  2022-03-27
第4个回答  2020-01-21