以 我想买的艺术品 为题的100字左右英语作文


第1个回答  2022-09-28






My hobby

I,a lot of fun too much interest.Don't look at me just like data on a few,there are a lot of it!

For example:a book.What what?!Are you going to write a book?Well,yes.Summer vacation,I and my cousin together out of a book!Call,call,call "Meng Lin Mo".

There are many hobbies,for example:painting,making up songs / stop!Song pilation?Ah,no?Star will make songs to sing,I won't?Strange.The production of works of art,this is not what surprised.They do an alarm clock,you wait for the next suspect is automatically go,just strange,is by hand!It is not,he will move on their own,that my invention is too powerful,

And,also,the amount of - - - much anyway!Do you love me?


Yesterday afternoon I was walking home by the river from work. There were few people by the river because it was late now. While I was walking forward, I saw a woman running up to me and told me that her son had fallen into the river. She asked me to go and save her son. I immediately followed her to the river before I threw off my clothes. Soon I got hold of the boy's hands and pushed him to the bank. The boy was saved. Both the woman and her son were very grateful that they thanked me a lot. 2.I am going to have a wonderful weekend.My best friend invited me to her birthday sleepover,which will not end until Saturday noon.Then, I will spend the rest of the day hanging out in the mall with my cousin.On Sunday, we are leaving for the country to visit my grandparents.I haven't visit them for a long time and I miss them very much.I really look


这些东西都可以再网上查到!关于长城的传说 In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall of China has bee the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture. Lots of beautiful legends and stories about the Great Wall took place following along the construction, and since that time these stories have spread around the country. Those that happened during construction are abundant, such as Meng Jiangnu's story and the legend of the Jiayuguan Pass. Meng Jiangnu's story is the most famous and widely spread of all the legends about the Great Wall. The story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). It tells of how Meng Jiangnu's bitter weeping made a section of the Great Wall collapse. Meng Jiangnu's hu *** and Fan Qiliang was caught by federal officials and sent to build the Great Wall. Meng Jiangnu heard nothing from him after his departure, so she set out to look for him. Unfortunately, by the time she reached the great wall, she discovered that her hu *** and had already died. Hearing the bad news, she cried her heart out. Her howl caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall. This story indicates that the Great Wall is the production of tens of thousands of Chinese moners. Another legend about the Jiayuguan Pass tells of a workman named Yi Kaizhan in the Ming Dynasty (1368BC-1644BC) who was proficient in arithmetic. He calculated that it would need 99,999 bricks to build the Jiayuguan Pass. The supervisor did not believe him and said if they miscalculated by even one brick, then all the workmen would be punished to do hard work for three years. After the pletion of the project, one brick was left behind the Xiwong city gate. The supervisor was happy at the sight of the brick and ready to punish them. However Yi Kaizhan said with deliberation that the brick was put there by a supernatural being to fix the wall. A tiny move would cause the collapse of the wall. Therefore the brick was kept there and never moved. It can still be found there today on the tower of the Jiayuguan Pass. In addition to the above-mentioned stories about the construction of the Great Wall, there are also plenty of stories about current scenic spots. A famous one is the legend of the Beacon Tower. This story happened during the Western Zhou Dynasty (11th century BC-711 BC). King You had a queen named Bao Si, who was very pretty. King You liked her very much, however Bao Si never *** iled. An official gave a suggestion that setting the beacon tower on fire would frighten the King's subjects, and might make the queen *** ile. King You liked the idea. The subjects were fooled and Bao Si *** iled at the sight of the chaos. Later enemies invaded Western Zhou, King You set the beacon tower on fire to ask for help. No subjects came to help because they had been fooled once before. Thus, King Zhou was killed by the enemy and Western Zhou came to an end. Beautiful stories and legends about the Great Wall help to keep alive Chinese history and culture. In each dynasty after the building of the Great Wall, many more stories were created and spread. 历史 No one can tell precisely when the building of the Great Wall was started but it is popularly believed that it originated as a military fortification against intrusion by tribes on the borders during the earlier Zhou Dynasty. Late in the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC - 476 BC), the ducal states extended the defence work and built "great" structures to prevent the attacks from other states. It was not until the Qin Dynasty that the separate walls, constructed by the states of Qin, Yan and Zhao kingdoms, were connected to form a defensive system on the northern border of the country by Emperor Qin Shi Huang (also called Qin Shi Huangdi by westerners or the First Emperor). After the emperor unified the country in 214 BC, he ordered the construction of the wall. It took about ten years to finish and the wall stretched from Linzhao (in the eastern part of today's Gansu Province) in the west to Liaodong (in today's Jilin Province) in the east. The wall not only served as a defence in the north but also symbolized the power of the emperor. From the Qin Dynasty onwards, Xiongnu, an ancient tribe that lived in North China, frequently harassed the northern border of the country. During the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu (Han Wu Di), sent three expeditions to fight against the ...

民间艺术 英文介绍初中作文



英文:"Folk art" is a category in the field of art, as the word "folk", is obviously and the so-called "court art" and from the "noble art", etc. But "folk art" field is very broad, and it also has a lot of "skills", such as shadow play, paper cutting, weaving, embroidery, lion dance and so on, are all very famous folk art, is the treasure of the Chinese culture.








Paper-cut art is one of the most ancient han Chinese folk art, as a kind of hollow out art, it can give a person with the vision to the feeling of nearby and art enjoyment. Paper cut with scissors to cut paper into all sorts of patterns, such as window, door depicting flowers, snuff, ceiling, wall, etc. Whenever festivals or wedding celebrations, people will be beautiful colorful paper-cutting to stick on the Windows, walls, doors and lanterns in the home, festive atmosphere foil as more warmly. In the countryside, paper cuttings are usually done by women and girls. In the past, paper-cutting is almost every girl must master the art by hand, and it has been a standard to evaluate the bride. In China north and south of paper-cut art, through a pair of scissors and a piece of paper, can express the life ?


My favorite form of art is music,Because music can make the person's mood cheerful. When I am sad, I will listen to music.I also like singing.Put your troubles singing out. Singing is a kind of very good depression method.Painting is also my favorite art form, But drawing very requires patience. So, pared to under, I still prefer to sing.My favorite song is the Titanic theme song, this is a very classical repertoire. Most people would hum to sing this song. Because this song too the win universal praise. Whenever I hear this song, my mood will bee very cheerful, and I also can't help to Sing this song.Music is a kind of very special art form, you also like me like music? Try listening to music it, I believe you will love it.


. Honor their elders is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, we, as students of a new era but also to honor their elders, although I am not doing well in the past, but I strive to do "Hong Jiuling can warm seats; filial piety in pro, as when the post. "Although this year has electric blankets in winter, air conditioning, and no need for children to elders warm blanket. But the virtue of caring for elders always encouraged me, so I am concerned about in everyday life and care of their elders. I have been all my grandmother brought me a big, time, dinner, headache doing it again grandmother made. I said nothing, put grandmother helped to bed, let her lay to rest, take some medicine. Then I pick up the bowl to the kitchen, wash with hot water bowls, chopsticks, put them washed clean. Finally, wipe the table also, after the finish chores, I went to rooms for grandmother rub head until my grandmother feeling the pain eased grandmother said:. "Thank you, good granddaughter" I said: "You're wele, this is what I should do, usually all you care about me, and now you're sick ., I of course want to take care of you, "Grandma *** iled and said:" You really grew up, sensible, "I kindly grandmother said:! Do not worry in the future I will try to do their own thing to do, In the future I will be caring for elders boy.

Papercut is an art, but few understand it. Now I want to introduce to you the paper-cut!Paper-cut is one of the most popular folk art in China, according to the textual research, confirmed its history can be traced back to 1600 BC in 1100. Paper-cutting used for folk activities and religious ceremony. Now, paper cutting is more used to decorate, also can be used as a gift to friends and relatives.Because of the regional customs, history and culture, etc, throughout the country has different style, paper-cut and guangdong foshan paper-cut is one of them. Foshan paper-cut has a long history, originated in the song dynasty, Ming dynasty period. Since the Ming dynasty in foshan paper-cut art in the civil widely circulated, and exported to southeast Asian countries. Foshan paper-cut according to its production raw material ?

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