
以下是第29届北京奥运会的部分描述。大项(sport)/小项(game):28/302。金牌数:302。运动员人数:10708。京内场馆(venue)数:37。志愿者人数:70000。奥运会开幕式:8月8日National Stadium。奥运会闭幕式:8月24日Natiomnal Stadium。

1. The opening ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be held in National Stadium on Aug.8, 2008, and the closing ceremony will be also held here on Aug.24, 2008.

2. There are altogether 10,708 athletes to compete in 28 sports and 302 games for the new records of 302 golden medals.

3. China is well capable of meeting various kinds of needs from the Olympic Games.

4. There are 37 stadiums and 7,000 volnnteers and this will be sufficient for the games.

5. I will attend the Olympic games as a volunteer and my job is to provide translation service for the foreign athletes.
第1个回答  2008-11-24
1. The opening ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be held in National Stadium on Aug.8, 2008, and the closing ceremony will be also held here on Aug.24, 2008.

2. There are altogether 10,708 athletes to compete in 28 sports and 302 games for the new records of 302 golden medals.

3. China is well capable of meeting various kinds of needs from the Olympic Games.

4. There are 37 stadiums and 7,000 volnnteers and this will be sufficient for the games.

5. I will attend the Olympic games as a volunteer and my job is to provide translation service for the foreign athlete.包对