

一、可数名词有单数、复数之分,如:map→maps;onion→onions;baker→bakers 不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数形式。如:some water;a lot of bread
Li Hong is a driver.I am a teacher. 李红是一名司机,我是一名教师。
We can’t see milk on the table. 我们看不见桌上有牛奶。
[友情提醒]在表示特指时,不可数名词和可数名词前都要用定冠词the,如: Pass me the ball,please. 请把球传给我。
The chicken on the plate is yours. 盘子里的鸡肉是你的。
三、可数名词表示复数意义时可用many等词修饰。如:many apples;a lot of tomatoes;a few pens
不可数名词则要用much、a little等词修饰。如:
much meat a little breadlittle water
[友情提醒]这两类名词都可以被some、any、a lot of(lost of)等修饰。如:some eggs/paper(纸)。
A lot of (lots of) knives/orange juice
四、可数名词前通常可用具体的数词来修饰。如:three women ten babies
two glasses of milk 两杯牛奶 five pieces of bread 五片面包
There is some rice in the bowl.碗里有些米饭。
All the students are in the classroom.所有的学生都在教室里。
[友情提醒]如果不可数名词前有复数名词短语修饰时,谓语动词须用复数形式。如:There are two bags of rice in the room. 房间里有两袋大米。
六、对可数名词的数量提问用how many;对不可数名词的数量提问要用how much,但对不可数名词前表示数量名词中的修饰语提问时要用how many。如:
I can see two pictures on the wall. → How many pictures can you see on the wall? There is a lot of pork in the basket. → How much pork is there in the basket? I want three glasses of water. → How many glasses of water do you want?
七、另外,有些集合名词也是可数名词,但不同的是,它们以单数形式出现,表示复数概念,如people,police,family等;而有些可数名词本身就以复数形式出现,如clothes,glasses(眼镜)等;有的可数名词单、复数形式相同,如Japanese,sheep,Chinese等。如: The Chinese people are hardworking and brave.中国人民勤劳勇敢。
The sports clothes are new. 这些运动服是新的。
I have one sheep. He has two sheep. 我有一只羊,他有三只羊。