

Junior high school art class is a nine-year compulsory education stage of the compulsory curriculum of arts and culture, aesthetic education schools are an important way. ”美术课作为一门基础课,对发展学生的个性,提高学生的审美能力,陶冶学生的情操、启发学生的智慧方面起着重要的作用。通过美术课对学生进行系统的、集中的审美教育,可以大大提高学生的审美感受能力,丰富审美情感,树立正确的审美思想,激发创造美的欲望和激情,并推动德育、智育、体育的发展,培养学生高尚的思想品德和情操,拓宽知识视野。这对学生的身心健康发展,使之成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的四化建设人才有着重要的意义。 "Art as a basic course on personality development of students and to improve their aesthetic ability to mold the character of students, inspired by the wisdom of the students play an important role. Adopted by the Division of Fine Arts students of the system, the focus of aesthetic education, Students can greatly enhance the ability of aesthetic experience, rich aesthetic feelings, to establish a correct ideological and aesthetic, to stimulate the creation of the United States and the desire and passion, and to promote the moral, intellectual, physical development, training students to lofty ideological and moral values, knowledge and broaden horizons. This is the development of physical and mental health of students, making it ideals, morality, culture, and discipline of the four-building talent is of important significance.
第1个回答  2008-10-09
Art class is the most important and necessary art-cultural lessons during nine-year compulsory education, It is one important means for school to implement art eduactions.

To look upon "Art lesson "as one elementary course, it play a important part in delevoped the student's individuality,to improve student's aesthetic responsiveness,to cultivate student's taste ,and illuming student's wisdom.

Through the systemic ,concentrativly aesthetic education on the Students, it will highly improve they aesthetic perception, and enriching esthetic emotion ,to establish the desire of correct esthetic sense and passion ,meanwhile it can promote practice of moral education ,devepement of sports, cultivate noble values and good morals,increase our knowledge,enlarge our view. It also hameaning to makes the students' becoming one With lofty ideals, integrety, knowledge and a strong sense of disciplin.

